Allergia a latice. Approcci preventivi nelle Aziende Sanitarie: esperienze italiane a confronto. Risultati preliminari di un’indagine trasversale / Latex allergy. Preventive measures in health care workers: a comparison of Italian experiences
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Latex allergy, health care workers, preventive measures, patient safety
Abbiamo condotto un’indagine trasversale in diverse regioni italiane, per evidenziare parametri relativi alle problematiche proprie dell’allergia a latice naturale. Lo studio aveva il fine di quantificare il consumo di guanti per tipologia, individuare i reparti e le mansioni maggiormente interessati al problema, accertare le caratteristiche richieste per guanti e manufatti al momento dell ’acquisto, come pure la messa a punto di linee guida, di attività di formazione/informazione e di procedure per i pazienti potenzialmente sensibilizzati. È stato inviato un questionario mirato alle Aziende Sanitarie (AS) delle diverse Regioni italiane, individuando, ove possibile, un referente responsabile del problema.. Numero e distribuzione regionale delle risposte non hanno rappresentatività statistica.Tuttavia dall’elaborazione dei dati è possibile desumere una serie di osservazioni interessanti sul piano teorico e suggestive a livello operativo. I risultati mettono in evidenza: a) un interesse e una sensibilità nei riguardi del problema certamente molto superiore al passato; b) un consumo ancora elevato di guanti in latice ampiamente utilizzati in oltre il 50% delle AS, in particolare in ambito chirurgico e in terapia intensiva; c) una disomogeneità a livello operativo tra diverse Aziende Sanitarie, anche situate nella stessa Regione. Esiste anche un ritardo diffuso nella sostituzione di manufatti in latice utilizzati sui pazienti (cateteri urinari e venosi, ecc.). D’altro canto si osserva una crescente attenzione nelle procedure di acquisto dei guanti, nell’adozione di linee guida e nella formazione/informazione dei lavoratori. Dall’indagine emerge la necessità di tenere desta l’attenzione dei responsabili delle strutture sanitarie per pianificare obiettivi di prevenzione che in molte realtà si sono dimostrati pienamente raggiungibili.
Latex allergy. Preventive measures in health care workers: a comparison of Italian experiences
Background: We have performed a transversal study in different Italian Regions to underline the problem related to natural latex allergy. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the glove use on the basis of the materials gloves were made of, to identify the departments and the qualifications mainly interested in the latex allergy problem, to check the required features for gloves and other rubber devices at the moment of the purchase, as well as the presence of guidelines, of training and information activities for health care workers and procedures for sensitized patients. Methods: We sent a questionnaire to the local public Health Authorities (HA) in different Italian Regions. Results: Number and regional distribution of the answers received back did not have statistical significance. Anyway, from the elaboration of the data it has been possible to obtain some interesting observations on both a theoretical and an operational level. The results showed: a) the level of interest and attention to the latex allergy problem has increased a lot recently; b) there is a high use of latex gloves (>50% of HA), in particular in surgical and intensive care departments; c) there are differences on an operational level between HA, also between HA that are in the same Italian Region. It resulted a widespread delay in the replacement of latex devices (e.g. urinary and intravenous catheters) with devices made of alternative materials. However, we found a growing attention towards the procedures related to the purchase of gloves, towards the adoption of guidelines about the use of gloves and towards the training and the information of health care workers. Conclusions: From this study it has emerged clear the need of Italian HA to focus on the prevention of latex allergy, goal already obtained in a few, almost isolated, realities.
Latex allergy. Preventive measures in health care workers: a comparison of Italian experiences
Background: We have performed a transversal study in different Italian Regions to underline the problem related to natural latex allergy. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the glove use on the basis of the materials gloves were made of, to identify the departments and the qualifications mainly interested in the latex allergy problem, to check the required features for gloves and other rubber devices at the moment of the purchase, as well as the presence of guidelines, of training and information activities for health care workers and procedures for sensitized patients. Methods: We sent a questionnaire to the local public Health Authorities (HA) in different Italian Regions. Results: Number and regional distribution of the answers received back did not have statistical significance. Anyway, from the elaboration of the data it has been possible to obtain some interesting observations on both a theoretical and an operational level. The results showed: a) the level of interest and attention to the latex allergy problem has increased a lot recently; b) there is a high use of latex gloves (>50% of HA), in particular in surgical and intensive care departments; c) there are differences on an operational level between HA, also between HA that are in the same Italian Region. It resulted a widespread delay in the replacement of latex devices (e.g. urinary and intravenous catheters) with devices made of alternative materials. However, we found a growing attention towards the procedures related to the purchase of gloves, towards the adoption of guidelines about the use of gloves and towards the training and the information of health care workers. Conclusions: From this study it has emerged clear the need of Italian HA to focus on the prevention of latex allergy, goal already obtained in a few, almost isolated, realities.