Levels of Nursing Students’ Exposure to Colleague Violence and Affecting Factors: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Background: Colleague violence experiences of students negatively affect their vocational education in the short term and their desire to stay in the profession in the long term. This study aims to determine the levels of colleague violence experienced by nursing students and the affecting factors in Türkiye. Methods: This study was conducted with second-, third-, and fourth-year nursing students (N = 703) from three state universities in three different provinces in Turkey. The data were collected using the “Student Information Form” and “The Scale of Exposure to Colleague Violence” with an online questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, the Independent Samples t-test, and the ANOVA test were employed for data analysis. Results: students’ total mean score on the scale was 46.72 ± 21.30. The “exposure to verbal/psychological violence” and “effect of violence on physical and mental health” subscales were 21.62 ± 10.09 and 25.10 ± 12.02, respectively. The most common reaction to the violence they were exposed to was “remain silent” (34.7%). Conclusions: nursing students were exposed to moderate levels of verbal/psychological colleague violence, and students' physical and mental health were moderately affected by this violence. Most students remained silent as a response to colleague violence. This study contributed to the emergence of factors that affect and are related to colleagues’ violence. The results highlighted the need for programs that educate people about colleague violence and what should be done.
Riferimenti bibliografici
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2. Köse Tosunöz İ, Öztunç G, Eskimez Z, et al. Determination of nursing students’ tendency to violence. Cukurova Med J. 2019;44:1–1.
3. Cheung T, Yip PSF. Workplace violence towards nurses in Hong Kong: Prevalence and correlates. BMC Public Health. 2017;17:196.
4. Bernardes MLG, Karino ME, Martins JT, et al. Workplace violence among nursing professionals. Rev Bras Med do Trab. 2020;18:250–7.
5. Bıçkıcı F. Violence against health care workers and factors that cause violence an example of a public hospital. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Derg. 2013;5:43–56.
6. Edward K, Stephenson J, Ousey K, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of factors that relate to aggression perpetrated against nurses by patients/relatives or staff. J Clin Nurs. 2016;25:289–99.
7. Pien L, Cheng Y, Cheng W. Internal workplace violence from colleagues is more strongly associated with poor health outcomes in nurses than violence from patients and families. J Adv Nurs. 2019;75:793–800.
8. Varghese A, Joseph J, Vijay VR, et al. Prevalence and determinants of workplace violence among nurses in the South‐East Asian and Western Pacific Regions: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. J Clin Nurs. 2022;31:798–819.
9. Sukut O, Ayhan C. Nursing students’ experiences of horizontal violence and occupational belonging during clinical placements. J Integr Nurs. 2022;4:231.
10. Hallett N, Wagstaff C, Barlow T. Nursing students’ experiences of violence and aggression: A mixed-methods study. Nurse Educ Toda.y 2021;105:105024.
11. Tian L, Zhang Y, Li X, et al. Research on the resilience of Chinese nursing students to workplace vertical violence in clinical practice. Nurse Educ Pract. 2019;40:102624.
12. Longo J, Sherman RO. Leveling horizontal violence. Nurs Manage. 2007;38:34–7.
13. Tonkuş MB, Coşkun A. Determination of nursing department students exposure to mobbing in clinical practice. J Turkish Nurses Assoc. 2021;2:15–26.
14. Karatepe HK, Yüce UÖ, Atik D. Nursing students’ opinions on colleague Violence: A qualitative study. J Inonu Univ Heal Serv Vocat Sch. 2020;8:219–32.
15. Mento C, Silvestri MC, Bruno A, et al. Workplace violence against healthcare professionals: A systematic review. Aggress Violent Behav. 2020;51:101381.
16. Çelebioğlu A, Akpinar RB, Küçükoğlu S, et al. Violence experienced by Turkish nursing students in clinical settings: Their emotions and behaviors. Nurse Educ Today. 2010;30:687–91.
17. Ata EE, Yilmaz EB. Nursing students’ experiences and perceptions of aggression: a sample from Turkey. Cent Eur J Nurs Midwifery. 2022;13:625–32.
18. Almalki M, Alfaki M. Workplace violence against nursing student and nurses: in taif mental health hospital: A cross-sectional survey. Sch J Appl Med Sci. 2022;10:463–9.
19. Alhassan A, Duke M, Phillips N (Nikki) M. Nursing students’ satisfaction with the quality of clinical placement and their perceptions of preceptors competence: A prospective longitudinal study. Nurse Educ Today. 2024;133:106081.
20. Bahadır Yılmaz E, Ata EE, Uyumaz G. Developmentof colleague violence exposure scale for nursing students. Turkiye Klin J Med Ethics-Law Hist. 2020;28:188–98.
21. Koç M, Batkın D. Nursing and midwifery students’ exposure to corker violence in practice settings. J Anatolia Nurs Heal Sci. 2016;19. Doi: 10.17049/ahsbd.11056
22. Mohamed FBM, Cheng LJ, Chia XEC, et al. Global prevalence and factors associated with workplace violence against nursing students: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Aggress Violent Behav 2024;75:101907.
23. Gurková E, Zeleníková R. Nursing students’ perceived stress, coping strategies, health and supervisory approaches in clinical practice: A Slovak and Czech perspective. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;65:4–10.
24. Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang A-G, et al. G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav Res Methods. 2007;39:175–91.
25. Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Editio. New York: Routledge, 1988.
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30. Ahn Y-H, Choi J. Incivility experiences in clinical practicum education among nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2019;73:48–53.
31. Budden LM, Birks M, Cant R, et al. Australian nursing students’ experience of bullying and/or harassment during clinical placement. Collegian 2017;24:125–33.
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34. Derya Beydağ K, Gündüz A, Gök Özer F. The vıew of Denizli health college students about theır educatıons and theır professıonal expectatıons. Pamukkale Tıp Derg. 2008;1:137–42.
35. Unsal A, Dilek GS. Determining nursing profession perceptions of nursing students. IBAD J Soc Sci. 2020:52–61.
36. Çiftci H, Kaya F, Bostanci N. Relationship between communication skills and professional self-esteem in üniversity students in health field. Cauc J Sci. 2020;7:42–55.
37. Bingol M. Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education. Int J Soc Sci Educ Stud 2022;9:49–56.
38. Bebis H, Coskun S, Acıkel C. High school student’s level of tendency to violence and investigation related factors. J Ege Univ Nurs Fac. 2014;30:1–17.
cross-sectional study. J Psychiatr Nurs 2018;9:36–44.
27. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. A Practical Approach to Using Multivariate Analyses. Sixth ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2013.
28. MacDonald CM, Hancock PD, Kennedy DM et al. Incivility in practice - incidence and experiences of nursing students in eastern Canada: A descriptive quantitative study. Nurse Educ Today 2022;110:105263.
29. Babenko-Mould Y, Laschinger HKS. Effects of incivility in clinical practice settings on nursing student burnout. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh 2014;11:145–54.
30. Ahn Y-H, Choi J. Incivility experiences in clinical practicum education among nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2019;73:48–53.
31. Budden LM, Birks M, Cant R et al. Australian nursing students’ experience of bullying and/or harassment during clinical placement. Collegian 2017;24:125–33.
32. Capık C, Hatice D, Mine Ö. Nursing students’ styles of coping with stress and factors that affect them: The Case of Nicosia. J Anatolia Nurs Heal Sci 2017;20:208–16.
33. Mofatteh M. Risk factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression among university undergraduate students. AIMS Public Heal 2021;8:36–65.
34. Derya Beydağ K, Gündüz A, Gök Özer F. The vıew of Denizli health college students about theır educatıons and theır professıonal expectatıons. Pamukkale Tıp Derg 2008;1:137–42.
35. Unsal A, Dilek GS. Determining nursing profession perceptions of nursing students. IBAD J Soc Sci 2020:52–61.
36. Çiftci H, Kaya F, Bostanci N. Relationship between communication skills and professional self-esteem in üniversity students in health field. Cauc J Sci 2020;7:42–55.
37. Bingol M. Contributions of Enlightenment Movement to Modern Education. Int J Soc Sci Educ Stud 2022;9:49–56.
38. Bebis H, Coskun S, Acıkel C. High school student’s level of tendency to violence and investigation related factors. J Ege Univ Nurs Fac 2014;30:1–17.