Published: 26-07-2016

Original articles

The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the retail sector: an Italian cross sectional study on 3380 workers

Giulia Stucchi, Natale Battevi, Silvia Cairoli, Dario Consonni
Abstract 116 | PDF Downloads 442

Page 251-262

Subjective symptoms in Magnetic Resonance Imaging operators: prevalence, short-term evolution and possible related factors

Giulio Zanotti, Guido Ligabue, Leena Korpinen, Fabriziomaria Gobba
Abstract 111 | PDF Downloads 26

Page 263-270

Is prevention of acute pesticide poisoning effective and efficient, with Locally Adapted Personal Protective Equipment? A randomized crossover study among farmers in Chitwan, Nepal

Anshu Varma, Dinesh Neupane, Jens Peter Ellekilde Bonde, Erik Jørs
Abstract 98 | PDF Downloads 22 Supplementary file 1 Downloads 15 Supplementary file 2 Downloads 14

Page 271-283

Evaluation of safety at work in a psychiatric setting: the "Workplace Safety Assessment"

Claudia Palumbo, Guido Di Sciascio, Salvatore Di Staso, Felice Carabellese, Antonella Valerio, Roberto Catanesi
Abstract 117 | PDF Downloads 28

Page 284-292

Diabetes mellitus in critical jobs

Matteo Marco Riva, Marisa Santini, Daniela Borleri, Roberto Trevisan, Giovanni Mosconi
Abstract 103 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 25

Page 293-299

Awareness training for unemployed people and for welfare professionals

Viviana Fabiani, Ramona Gatto, Aurora Tagliaferri, Simonetta Donsante, Dario Rech, Francesco Pagnini
Abstract 117 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 22

Page 300-306

Standardization of incidence rates of mesothelioma in the absence of national standards: sensitivity analysis in a cohort formerly exposed to asbestos

Fabiano Barbiero, Manuela Giangreco, Federica Edith Pisa, Corrado Negro, Massimo Bovenzi, Valentina Rosolen, Fabio Barbone
Abstract 130 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 20 materiale supplementare (Italian) Downloads 41 Materiale Supplementare (Italian) Downloads 33

Page 307-314

Asbestos-related diseases and biological index of cumulative dose in shipyard workers (1996-2015)

Pietro Gino Barbieri, Anna Benedetta Sommigliana
Abstract 162 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 36

Page 315-326

Errata corrige


Ricordo del prof. Gianfranco Gambini

Daniela Leurini, Carlo Mantovani
Abstract 171 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 31

Page 327