Special articles
Study of occupational static magnetic field exposure among magnetic resonance scanning operators at the Azienda Ospedaliera Papa Giovanni XXIII (Bergamo)
Abstract 133 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 3-16
Occupational accidents in hyperbaric-chambers inside attendants in France
Abstract 154 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 102Page 17-22
Original articles
Workers with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: health surveillance and suitable job assignment
Abstract 181 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 284Page 23-35
Results of an alcohol breath tests campaign in a sample of construction site workers in Umbria region
Abstract 115 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 36-47
Industrial first aid equipment: a historical analysis (1840-1914)
Abstract 113 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 43Page 48-64
Letters to the Editors
La valutazione del rischio psicosociale: solo "stress lavoro-correlato" o altro?
Abstract 308 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 34Page 65-66
Il ricordo di Bernardino Ramazzini nel terzo centenario della morte (1714-2014) - Le celebrazioni di Padova, San Paolo del Brasile, Modena / Celebrating events of Bernardino Ramazzini on occasion of the tercentenary of the death (Padua, São Paulo, Modena)
Abstract 117 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 67-69
Errata corrige
Riconosciuto l’errore di segno nella soluzione della formula di Peto. Commento del Direttore V. Foà
Abstract 107 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 70
Conference report
78° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII - Milano, 25-26-27 Novembre 2015
Abstract 131 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 44Page 78
Acknowledgement to Scientific Reviewers
Acknowledgement to Scientific Reviewers
Abstract 208 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 50Page 78