Results of an alcohol breath tests campaign in a sample of construction site workers in Umbria region

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Giorgio Miscetti
Emilio Paolo Abbritti
Patrizia Bodo
Alessandro Lumare
Lea Romano Gargarella


Alcohol breath test, construction sites, alcohol


Objective: The purpose of the research was to evaluate the respect of the regulation on the prohibition of alcohol consumption in the building sector through an alcohol breath test campaign, and to acquire information on the alcohol consumption by the contractors. Methods: In the course of the investigation which covered the period 2011-2013, in a sample of construction, it was decided to access with verification of the presence of alcoholic beverages, administration workers to an anonymous questionnaire on alcohol consumption, execution of alcohol breath test. Results: The reached population consisted in 1635 subjects, 1040 of which Italians and 595 foreigners; the consumers of at least 0,5 AU/die resulted being 354 among Italians and 250 among foreigners (p<0,05), the main occasion of consumption was observed being the meal for 39,8% of subjects; wine, followed by beer, were recorded as the most consumed beverages. The great majority of subjects, 1340, declared being aware of the regulation on the prohibition of alcohol consumption and only a minimum part of it, 42 subjects, declared having occasionally consumed alcoholic beverages for more than 6 AU, or having driven a car, 3 subjects, after having consumed at least 2 AU, or having had interviews, 115 subjects, about alcohol consumption with healthcare operators. The alcohol test results only marked 91 cases (5,6%) of positiveness with values mostly confined to 0,2 g/l, and the distribution of positive tests resulted substantially overlapping (p>0,05) between foreigners and Italians. Notwithstanding, among the negative subjects, 9% declared having consumed alcoholics during the meal immediately preceding the work shift; all this underlining a sound dangerous behaviour. A behaviour which may easily escape to an alcohol metric test, considering the relationship between the timing of the last alcohol consumption, the quantity assumed, the test timing and its result. Conclusions: The authors conclude pointing out how, in the studied sector, there certainly is a great tendency to respect the regulation on the prohibition of alcohol consumption, and how there is a reliable modification with regards to alcohol among the behavioural models traditionally allocated to building contractors, with a strong reduction of consumption as in working as in non-working hours. Notwithstanding, the authors may want to underline the persistency of dangerous behaviours worthy promotion, information and education actions. Besides, they advise and wish for additional interventions by the legislator, directed to better define the boundaries of the prohibition and impose in such boundaries an alcohol test level equal to 0 during the working hours.
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