Case report - Novelis Italy

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Valentina Belluigi


engineering diabetes obesity


Introduction: A 55 years old employee of a multinational engineering company producing aluminum ribbons and alloys. Mill inspector on three shifts. Objectives: In 2009 during a periodic evaluation he presented a BMI of 32.9. The plant occupational health physician sent him to the Obesity Center at “Clinica del Lavoro” in Milan, but the employee wasn’t motivationally engaged. Methods: In August 2012 a Public Psychiatric Center diagnosed him with mood disorder and suggested to avoid night shifts. He began psychiatric therapy and a three-month medical follow-up in the plant. In September 2013, as recommended by the Psychiatric Center, he restarted to gradually work night shifts, for not more than two or three nights a months. In July 2017 he spontaneously went to the Obesity Center presenting a BMI of 42.78. This was the diagnosis: “Third class obesity with metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 2 at first comparison, dyslipidemia, suspected sleep apnea syndrome”. New examination in the center in January 2018: “Second class obesity with weight decrease in previous third class obesity and metabolic syndrome”. Adequate adherence to therapy and improving of dysfunctional eating behaviors. Results: New control January 2019:”Further weight decrease (25 kg), diabetes type 2 in a good metabolic control”. Discussion: Over the years, thanks to the continuous ­sensibilization during medical examinations and through some preventive health campaigns, thanks especially to the collaboration of specialized high level hospital centers, we have achieved a therapeutic success associated with an increase of working performance.

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