La Medicina del Lavoro e l’impact factor
Abstract 92 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 24Page 403-404
Special articles
Estimating number of workers potentially at risk of exposure to hardwood dust in certain industrial sectors in Italy using a national register
Abstract 118 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 100Page 405-412
Original articles
Occupational safety and health risks in dock work: a narrative literature review
Abstract 132 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 31Page 413-434
Women, work and health between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from a national and international perspective
Abstract 107 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27Page 435-444
Judgment of fitness for work in employees with a history of malignant neoplastic disease and exposed to ionizing radiations: evaluation criteria and their application in a case-series study
Abstract 104 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 44Page 445-472
Letters to the Editors
Health promotion in the workplace
Abstract 84 | PDF Downloads 24Page 473-474
About the change of the name of the Italian Society of Ergonomics
Abstract 205 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 22Page 474-475
Conference report
Fifth International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health. Rotterdam (The Netherlands), April 24-25, 2014.
Abstract 199 | PDF Downloads 22Page 476-477
78° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII - Milano, 25-26-27 Novembre 2015
Abstract 239 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 36Page 478