Published: 27-11-2014


La Medicina del Lavoro e l’impact factor

Silvia Fustinoni
Abstract 75 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 11

Page 403-404

Special articles

Original articles

Occupational safety and health risks in dock work: a narrative literature review

Anna Barbieri, Laura Sabatini, Francesca Graziosi, Elena Severi, Gianpiero Mancini, Francesco Saverio Violante
Abstract 106 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 10

Page 413-434

Judgment of fitness for work in employees with a history of malignant neoplastic disease and exposed to ionizing radiations: evaluation criteria and their application in a case-series study

Giuseppe Taino, Elio Giroletti, Alberto Delogu, Giorgia Malagò, Gianluca Corona, Jessica Businaro, Mauro Imbriani
Abstract 70 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 18

Page 445-472

Letters to the Editors

Health promotion in the workplace

Nicola Magnavita, Giuseppe De Lorenzo, Angelo Sacco
Abstract 65 | PDF Downloads 8

Page 473-474

About the change of the name of the Italian Society of Ergonomics

Angelo Sacco
Abstract 190 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 8

Page 474-475

Conference report

78° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII - Milano, 25-26-27 Novembre 2015

La Redazione
Abstract 199 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 16

Page 478