Published: 23-07-2014

Original articles

Self efficacy, perceptions of social context, job satisfaction and their relationship with absence from work. An integrated model founded on social cognitive theory

Cristina Di Tecco, Laura Borgogni
Abstract 101 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 11 Figure 1- The posited Structural Model Figura 1- Il modello strutturale ipotizzato (Italian) Downloads 48 Figure 2 – The posited Structural Model: parameters estimates Figura 2- Il modello strutturale ipotizzato: stime dei parametri (Italian) Downloads 70

Page 282-295

Nurse coordinator leadership and work environment conflicts: consequences for physical and work-related health of nursing staff

Alessandro Sili, Roberta Fida, T. Trezza, E. Vellone, Rosaria Alvaro
Abstract 479 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 30

Page 296-306

Special articles

Post-Traumatic stress reaction in a sample of bank employees victims of robbery in the workplace: the role of pre-trauma and peri-trauma factors

Daniela Converso, Sara Viotti
Abstract 95 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 15 Figura I (Italian) Downloads 27

Page 243-254

Self-efficacy, perceptions of context, and burnout: a multilevel study on nurses

Chiara Consiglio, Laura Borgogni, Michele Vecchione, Christina Maslach
Abstract 178 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 96 manuscript con prima pagina (Italian) Downloads 33

Page 255-268

Forthcoming events

77° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII - Bologna, 15-17 Ottobre 2014

La Redazione
Abstract 104 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27

Page 317

Letters to the Editors

Sull’importanza del controllo di ex-esposti ad asbesto mediante LDCT

Enzo Merler
Abstract 84 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 10

Page 307-308

Risposta degli Autori

Giuseppe Mastrangelo
Abstract 160 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 10

Page 309-310

La trasmissione dei dati sulla sorveglianza sanitaria occupazionale con l’allegato 3B

Antonella Bena, Angelo d'Errico
Abstract 76 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 14

Page 310-312

I valori di riferimento CECA ’71 per la funzionalità polmonare sono ancora validi

A. Innocenti, A. Quercia, F. Roscelli
Abstract 71 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 11

Page 313-314

How can medical students suffering from hearing loss auscultate their patients?

Michele Augusto Riva, Mattia Bava, Marco Italo D'Orso, Giovanni De Vito, Giancarlo Cesana
Abstract 97 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 15

Page 315-316