Disturbi e patologie da sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori in un campione di 173 lavoratori addetti alle casse di supermercati / Symptons and upper limb work-related musculo-skeletal disorders among 173 supermarket cashiers
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Introduzione: La mansione di addetto alla cassa di supermercati nella grande distribuzione organizzata è da tempo considerata a rischio per lo sviluppo di patologie da sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori lavoro-correlate (UL-WMSDs). Scopo dello studio è valutare in un campione di lavoratori addetti alla grande distribuzione la prevalenza di disturbi soggettivi compatibili con UL-WMSDs e, in seguito all’effettuazione di indagini cliniche, la frequenza di eventuali patologie. Metodi: È stato somministrato a un gruppo casuale di 173 lavoratori un questionario standardizzato per la raccolta dei sintomi riferiti agli arti superiori (sintomatologia dolorosa e parestesica). Tra i 111 lavoratori che hanno raggiunto la “soglia anamnestica positiva”, è stato selezionato un campione casuale di soggetti da sottoporre ad accertamenti clinici consistenti in visita specialistica, esame ecografico, esame elettroneurografico. Risultati: Il 64% dei lavoratori intervistati ha raggiunto la “soglia anamnestica positiva” riferendo con maggior frequenza dolore, particolarmente alla spalla; il 37% dei lavoratori ha segnalato la presenza di pregresse patologie muscolo-scheletriche degli arti superiori. Tra i 51 lavoratori sottoposti a indagine clinica (47 donne), con anzianità lavorativa media nel settore di 20 anni e orario di lavoro part-time per 2/3 dei soggetti, è stata posta diagnosi di UL-WMSDs per 30 di questi (59%); in particolare, sono state diagnosticate 43 patologie totali di cui 13 neuropatie compressive (30.2%), 13 tendiniti mano/gomito (30.2%) e 17 tendiniti alle spalle (39.5%). L’età media di questi 30 soggetti è di 47 anni, con anzianità lavorativa media di 23 anni ed orario di lavoro prevalentemente part-time. Conclusioni: L’indagine effettuata ha evidenziato un’elevata prevalenza sia dei disturbi soggettivi che dei casi di UL-WMSDs tra i lavoratori indagati, inclusi gli operatori part-time e i lavoratori non esclusivamente addetti alle casse. Ne è derivata una carente attività di sorveglianza sanitaria da parte del Medico Competente nella individuazione di possibili UL-WMSDs con conseguente sottovalutazione del rischio ed assenti indicazioni per l’ adozione di provvedimenti preventivi.
Symptons and upper limb work-related musculo-skeletal disorders among 173 supermarket cashiers
Background: Cashiers in supermarket chains have long been considered at risk for the development of work related musculo- skeletal disorders of the upper limbs (UL-WMSDs). The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ULWMSDs among workers operating supermarket cash tills and, after clinical tests, their frequency.Methods: A standardized questionnaire was given to a random group of 173 workers in order to collect information regarding symptoms in the upper limbs (pain and parasthesia). Among the 111 workers who reached a “positive clinical history threshold“ we selected a random sample of subjects to undergo clinical tests (professional medical care, ultrasound examination, electro-neurographic examination). Results: 64% of the workers had a positive clinical history for ULWMSDs. The most frequently reported disorder was pain, especially in the shoulder, while 37% of workers suffered from one or more disorders of the upper limbs. Clinical tests were performed on 51 workers (47 women) whose average length of service was 20 years and 2/3 were part-time workers; a total of 43 UL-WMSDs (59%) were diagnosed in 30 workers, including 13 (30.2%) cases of compressive neuropathies, 13 cases of hand/elbow tendinitis (30.2%) and 17 cases of shoulder tendinitis (39.5%).The average age of these 30 subjects was 47 years, with a length of service of 23 years, mostly part-time workers. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of general disorders and cases of UL-WMSDs among the workers investigated, including part-time workers and workers who were not working exclusively as cashiers.The study also revealed a poor health surveillance programme to identify UL-WMSDs that should be the responsibility of the occupational physician and a consequent underestimation of risk and lack of the information needed to adopt preventive measures.
Symptons and upper limb work-related musculo-skeletal disorders among 173 supermarket cashiers
Background: Cashiers in supermarket chains have long been considered at risk for the development of work related musculo- skeletal disorders of the upper limbs (UL-WMSDs). The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ULWMSDs among workers operating supermarket cash tills and, after clinical tests, their frequency.Methods: A standardized questionnaire was given to a random group of 173 workers in order to collect information regarding symptoms in the upper limbs (pain and parasthesia). Among the 111 workers who reached a “positive clinical history threshold“ we selected a random sample of subjects to undergo clinical tests (professional medical care, ultrasound examination, electro-neurographic examination). Results: 64% of the workers had a positive clinical history for ULWMSDs. The most frequently reported disorder was pain, especially in the shoulder, while 37% of workers suffered from one or more disorders of the upper limbs. Clinical tests were performed on 51 workers (47 women) whose average length of service was 20 years and 2/3 were part-time workers; a total of 43 UL-WMSDs (59%) were diagnosed in 30 workers, including 13 (30.2%) cases of compressive neuropathies, 13 cases of hand/elbow tendinitis (30.2%) and 17 cases of shoulder tendinitis (39.5%).The average age of these 30 subjects was 47 years, with a length of service of 23 years, mostly part-time workers. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of general disorders and cases of UL-WMSDs among the workers investigated, including part-time workers and workers who were not working exclusively as cashiers.The study also revealed a poor health surveillance programme to identify UL-WMSDs that should be the responsibility of the occupational physician and a consequent underestimation of risk and lack of the information needed to adopt preventive measures.