Burnout e stress lavorativo in infermieri professionali / Burnout and occupational stress in nurses
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Negli ultimi anni le ricerche condotte sul burnout nel settore sanitario hanno messo in luce la multidimensionalità del problema, evidenziando l’esistenza di fattori eterogenei presenti sia nell’ambiente di lavoro, sia nel singolo individuo, capaci di favorire o contrastare l’insorgenza della sindrome. Il presente lavoro è stato condotto con l’obiettivo di valutare la relazione tra “burnout”, “stress lavorativo” e “personalità individuale” in un gruppo di 120 infermieri, 60 appartenenti ai reparti di Oncologia Medica e 60 ai reparti di Malattie Infettive, selezionato da un campione di 500 operatori sanitari (medici, infermieri professionali, assistenti socio sanitari) che svolgevano attività presso i reparti di diverse strutture Ospedaliere e Universitarie della provincia di Messina. A ciascun soggetto sono stati somministrati: il questionario Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) per valutare lo stress lavorativo; il Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), per evidenziare il livello di burnout presente nei due sottogruppi; le Scale di Personalità di Comrey (CPS), per delineate la personalità dei soggetti in studio. I risultati hanno messo in luce la presenza di livelli differenti di burnout nei due sottogruppi; inoltre si sono rilevate ulteriori differenze sia relativamente ad alcuni aspetti dello stress occupazionale, sia rispetto ad alcune caratteristiche della personalità. I risultati ottenuti, in accordo con altri Autori, hanno evidenziato la presenza di concause che favoriscono l’insorgenza di burnout. Ciò comporta la necessità di agire su più fronti, quello organizzativo e quello individuale, per contrastare tale fenomeno. Infine, si suggerisce l’utilizzo del counseling psicologico, di supervisioni cliniche e di gruppi esperienziali, volti a prevenire e curare la sindrome del burnout.
Burnout and occupational stress in nurses
Background: In the last few years there has been a growing interest in the psychosocial work environment of health care workers, since they are both at high risk of burnout, role conflict and job dissatifaction. Burnout, as a type of prolonged response to chronic job-related stress, has a special significance in health care settings, where staff experience both psychological – emotional and physical stress. Objectives: The present study investigated the interrelationship between burnout, occupational stress and personality characteristics in a sample of 120 nurses employed in the Infectious Diseases Department and the Department of Medical Oncology of two major hospitals in Messina, Italy. Methods: Three questionnaire surveys were administered: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to estimate the job stress level, Occupational Stress Inventory to measure occupational stress and the Comrey Personality Scale to identify major personality characteristics. Results: The results showed a significant statistical difference regarding the burnout levels in the two groups under study, with a higher burnout level in the Medical Oncology staff with respect to the Infectious Diseases Staff. The latter group also showed a higher occupational stress compared to the second group, with a significant statistical difference regarding “stress sources”, “coping strategies” and psychological health”. Concerning the CPS results, some personality characteristics, as predictors for burnout syndrome, were found in the Medical Oncology staff. Conclusion: The study results underline the importance of the role of psychosocial work environment and the interrelationships between burnout, occupational stress and psychosomatic health in health care workers. In addition, in order to reduce a burnout risk, the Authors suggest improving the psychosocial work environment as a preventive measure.
Burnout and occupational stress in nurses
Background: In the last few years there has been a growing interest in the psychosocial work environment of health care workers, since they are both at high risk of burnout, role conflict and job dissatifaction. Burnout, as a type of prolonged response to chronic job-related stress, has a special significance in health care settings, where staff experience both psychological – emotional and physical stress. Objectives: The present study investigated the interrelationship between burnout, occupational stress and personality characteristics in a sample of 120 nurses employed in the Infectious Diseases Department and the Department of Medical Oncology of two major hospitals in Messina, Italy. Methods: Three questionnaire surveys were administered: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to estimate the job stress level, Occupational Stress Inventory to measure occupational stress and the Comrey Personality Scale to identify major personality characteristics. Results: The results showed a significant statistical difference regarding the burnout levels in the two groups under study, with a higher burnout level in the Medical Oncology staff with respect to the Infectious Diseases Staff. The latter group also showed a higher occupational stress compared to the second group, with a significant statistical difference regarding “stress sources”, “coping strategies” and psychological health”. Concerning the CPS results, some personality characteristics, as predictors for burnout syndrome, were found in the Medical Oncology staff. Conclusion: The study results underline the importance of the role of psychosocial work environment and the interrelationships between burnout, occupational stress and psychosomatic health in health care workers. In addition, in order to reduce a burnout risk, the Authors suggest improving the psychosocial work environment as a preventive measure.