Correlazione tra disturbi muscolo-scheletrici e posture disergonomiche in un gruppo di operatori sanitari di un’azienda ospedaliera / Relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and work-related awkward postures among a group of health care workers in a hospital
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Allo scopo di determinare la prevalenza dei disturbi muscolo-scheletrici (DMS) associati all’esecuzione di mansioni sanitarie che comportano l’assunzione di posture obbligate per prolungati periodi del turno di lavoro, è stata condotta un’indagine trasversale su 113 operatori in servizio presso 15 strutture dell’Ospedale di Cuneo. Per la raccolta dei dati è stato effettuato un sopralluogo nelle unità operative ed è stato utilizzato un questionario ad hoc sulle caratteristiche antropometriche e occupazionali individuali e sulla presenza, frequenza, intensità e modalità di insorgenza dei DMS verificatisi negli ultimi 12 mesi a carico del rachide, del collo e degli arti superiori. Il 71% del campione lamentava disturbi ad almeno uno dei 3 tratti anatomici considerati. Il rachide, il collo e gli arti superiori erano interessati, rispettivamente, nel 58,4%, 50,4% e 25,7% dei casi. Tramite analisi univariata è stata trovata una associazione significativa dei DMS con: sesso femminile (chi(2)=6,8; p<0,01), anamnesi patologica remota muscolo- scheletrica (chi(2)=12,3; p<0,001) e punteggio superiore a 7 sulla scala di Borg (chi(2)=14,1; p<0,001) e una tendenza con: difetti visivi (chi(2)=3,4; p=0,06) e BMI <=22 (chi(2)=3,1; p=0,08). Il test di regressione logistica ha confermato una correlazione tra DMS e le covariate: scala di Borg (OR=9,70; CI: 2,01-46,9; p<0,01), anamnesi patologica remota (OR=3,67; CI: 1,24-10,88; p<0,05) e difetti dell’apparato visivo (OR=2,88; CI: 1,07-7,81; p<0,05); sesso e BMI non si sono dimostrati fattori predittivi. In base alle risposte fornite dai lavoratori, l’insorgenza dei DMS è stata attribuita a problemi organizzativo-gestionali in 41 casi e a condizioni lavorative disergonomiche in 14. I risultati dello studio indicano che in ambito ospedaliero l’indice di prevalenza di DMS correlati a posture obbligate è rilevante e superiore a quello che si riscontra fra i lavoratori esposti a movimentazione manuale dei carichi e che, pertanto, è indicato mettere in atto adeguate iniziative di valutazione e di contenimento per tale rischio occupazionale.
Relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and work-related awkward postures among a group of health care workers in a hospital
Background: There are few studies in the Italian literature on musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among health care workers (HCW) keeping and holding awkward postures during their job.Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of low-back, neck and upper limb complaints and the association between risk factors and MSD in HCW working in 15 wards of the Hospital of Cuneo. Methods: A questionnaire wad submitted to 113 HCW. Information about demographic and occupational factors, and MSD characteristics were collected to be statistically elaborated. Results: The prevalence of complaints regarding at least one of the 3 body regions was 71% in the whole sample (80 subjects). Low back, neck and upper limb were interested, respectively, in 58.4%, 50.4% and 25.7% of the cases. Logistic regression showed a significant association of MSD with score >7 on the Borg scale (OR= 9.70; CI: 2.01-46.9; p<0.01), positive musculoskeletal clinical history (OR= 3.67; CI: 1.24-10.88; p<0.05), and visual defects (OR= 2.88; CI: 1.07-7.81; p<0.05).Based on the answers from the questionnaire, the onset of MSD was attributed in 41 cases to organizational problems, and in 14 cases to the ergonomic characteristics of the job. Conclusions: The index of prevalence of MSD associated to work-related awkward postures (71%) is very high, greater than that observed among HCW exposed to manual lifting of weights (21%) in the hospital. Thereafter, assessment of exposure and containment of such occupational risk must be considered useful.
Relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and work-related awkward postures among a group of health care workers in a hospital
Background: There are few studies in the Italian literature on musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among health care workers (HCW) keeping and holding awkward postures during their job.Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of low-back, neck and upper limb complaints and the association between risk factors and MSD in HCW working in 15 wards of the Hospital of Cuneo. Methods: A questionnaire wad submitted to 113 HCW. Information about demographic and occupational factors, and MSD characteristics were collected to be statistically elaborated. Results: The prevalence of complaints regarding at least one of the 3 body regions was 71% in the whole sample (80 subjects). Low back, neck and upper limb were interested, respectively, in 58.4%, 50.4% and 25.7% of the cases. Logistic regression showed a significant association of MSD with score >7 on the Borg scale (OR= 9.70; CI: 2.01-46.9; p<0.01), positive musculoskeletal clinical history (OR= 3.67; CI: 1.24-10.88; p<0.05), and visual defects (OR= 2.88; CI: 1.07-7.81; p<0.05).Based on the answers from the questionnaire, the onset of MSD was attributed in 41 cases to organizational problems, and in 14 cases to the ergonomic characteristics of the job. Conclusions: The index of prevalence of MSD associated to work-related awkward postures (71%) is very high, greater than that observed among HCW exposed to manual lifting of weights (21%) in the hospital. Thereafter, assessment of exposure and containment of such occupational risk must be considered useful.