La gestione del rischio di UL-WMSDs in una grande azienda del mobile imbottito / Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (ULMSDs) in a large factory of the upholstered furniture industry: risk management
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La produzione di mobili imbottiti a livello industriale espone gli addetti a rischi notevoli di patologie correlate al disagio ergonomico (Rischi professionali in causa: Movimenti e Sforzi Ripetuti degli Arti Superiori, Movimentazione manuale dei carichi e Postura Fissa Protratta in posizione eretta o assisa). In questo lavoro vengono presentate le principali attività avviate, nella maggiore azienda del comparto, per affrontare il problema fra il 1996 ed il 2004 e viene proposto un confronto con l’andamento dei diversi indicatori epidemiologici in relazione alle scelte fatte per affrontare il problema. In particolare l’indice di frequenza del fenomeno infortunistico (=numero di infortuni per milione di ore lavorate), già in crescita negli anni precedenti, si è portato dal valore 31 del 1996 al valore 51 del biennio 1999-2000 (con una percentuale di infortuni collegati al rischio Movimentazione Manuale dei carichi, variabile fra il 25 ed il 35%); contemporaneamente l’incidenza annuale di WMSDs nella popolazione operaia (cresciuta nel frattempo da ca. 2500 a ca. 3500 dipendenti) ha raggiunto nel 2001 un valore prossimo al 5%, con picchi dell’8-9% nelle mansioni più esposte ai diversi rischi. Il problema è stato affrontato con gli strumenti classici dell’ergonomia: valutazione del rischio, sorveglianza sanitaria, formazione ed informazione, riorganizzazione del ciclo produttivo e delle singole mansioni, interventi tecnologici. In questa sezione sono illustrati gli interventi più qualificanti dell’attività svolta ed i risultati raggiunti: l’indice di frequenza degli infortuni sul lavoro si è progressivamente ridotto nel corso del triennio successivo fino al valore di 20 registrato nel 2004 e nel 2005, mentre l’incidenza annuale media di WMSDs si è portata a valori prossimi all’1%. Il dato va confrontato con l’andamento del fenomeno nelle altre aziende del comparto nello stesso periodo, con una incidenza annuale media di WMSDs che ha oscillato intorno al 2% e con un trend in leggera crescita. Di questi risultati viene proposta anche una valutazione economica con la conclusione che l’ergonomia consente non solo di gestire e ridimensionare gli eventi negativi (per la salute degli addetti) ma anche di conseguire significativi vantaggi in termini di minori costi e maggiore produttività.
Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in a large factory of the upholstered furniture industry: risk management
Background: The industrial production of upholstered furniture exposes workers to significant risk of occupational disorders due to ergonomics-related problems, such as repetitive strain and movements of the upper limb, manual load lifting, prolonged static postures. Objective: This paper describes the main measures taken by the biggest company in the “sofa sector” in southern Italy in order to solve such problems in the years 1996-2004. Methods: the classic instruments of ergonomics were used such as risk assessment, medical surveillance, training and information programmes, technological reorganization of the manufacturing process and of single working tasks. Results: The accident rate (number of accidents per million working hours) which showed an increasing trend in the previous years, rose from a value of 31 in 1996 to 51 in the years 1999-2000 (with a percentage of accidents related to load lifting in the range 25-35%). At the same time the incidence rate of work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in the population of workers (which had increased in the meantime from 2500 to 3500 employees) reached nearly 5% in 2001, with peaks of 8-9% in the work tasks with higher exposure. Accident rates progressively fell in the following three years until a value of 20 was reached in 2004 and 2005, while the mean incidence rate of WMSDs reached a value of nearly 1%. The data need to be compared with the trends in the other companies of the sector in the same period, with an average incidence rate of WMSDs around 2% and a generally increasing trend. Conclusions: Ergonomic interventions not only concur in the management and control of negative events for workers health but also in achieving advantages in terms of lower costs and greater productivity.
Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in a large factory of the upholstered furniture industry: risk management
Background: The industrial production of upholstered furniture exposes workers to significant risk of occupational disorders due to ergonomics-related problems, such as repetitive strain and movements of the upper limb, manual load lifting, prolonged static postures. Objective: This paper describes the main measures taken by the biggest company in the “sofa sector” in southern Italy in order to solve such problems in the years 1996-2004. Methods: the classic instruments of ergonomics were used such as risk assessment, medical surveillance, training and information programmes, technological reorganization of the manufacturing process and of single working tasks. Results: The accident rate (number of accidents per million working hours) which showed an increasing trend in the previous years, rose from a value of 31 in 1996 to 51 in the years 1999-2000 (with a percentage of accidents related to load lifting in the range 25-35%). At the same time the incidence rate of work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in the population of workers (which had increased in the meantime from 2500 to 3500 employees) reached nearly 5% in 2001, with peaks of 8-9% in the work tasks with higher exposure. Accident rates progressively fell in the following three years until a value of 20 was reached in 2004 and 2005, while the mean incidence rate of WMSDs reached a value of nearly 1%. The data need to be compared with the trends in the other companies of the sector in the same period, with an average incidence rate of WMSDs around 2% and a generally increasing trend. Conclusions: Ergonomic interventions not only concur in the management and control of negative events for workers health but also in achieving advantages in terms of lower costs and greater productivity.