Trends in Asbestos Exposure and Malignant Mesothelioma Incidence in Emilia-Romagna Italy: A Retrospective Study 1996-2023

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Fausto Giacomino
Francesco Marinelli
Isabella Bisceglia
Marco Cacchi
Cinzia Storchi
Carmine Pinto
Lucia Mangone
Antonio Romanelli
Fortunato Morabito


Malignant mesothelioma, asbestos exposure, occupational health, environmental health, Italy.


Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare but lethal cancer strongly associated with asbestos exposure. This retrospective study examines trends in asbestos exposure in Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy. Between 1996 and 2023, 3,513 cases of MM were recorded, predominantly in males (72%) and in older than 65 years (79%). Occupational exposure accounted for 82% of cases, with a significant increase observed over time from 71% to 88% in the most recent period. A greater definition of professional exposure indicates that certain exposure has gone from 49% in the first period to 62% and 58% in the last two periods; probable exposure showed a decrease from 21% to 16% while possible exposure decreased from 16% to 13%. Familiar exposure remained relatively constant at around 8%, environmental exposure showed a slight decrease from 4% to 2%, while non-occupational exposure remained stable at 2%. Among patients with exclusively occupational exposure (1,826 cases), 87% were male and aged between 65 and 75 years (36%) and 75+ (41%).

The exposure rates for the province of residence see the province of Reggio Emilia with the highest occupational exposure rate (2.5 x 100,000 residents), followed by Ravenna (2.3 x 100,000 residents) and Parma and Piacenza which have similar exposure rates with 2.2 x 100,000 residents. Professional sectors such as construction, railway maintenance and metalworking are identified as high-risk industries. Despite efforts to mitigate exposure, non-occupational and environmental exposures persist. The study highlights the importance of continuous surveillance and exposure monitoring to guide effective interventions and legal recognition of MM.


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