Progetto cancerogeni in una ASL dell’Umbria: aggiornamento della mappa di rischio ai fini della stima dei livelli di esposizione dei lavoratori / Carcinogens project in a Local Health Unit in Umbria: updating of risk so as to estimate worker exposure levels
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Il progressivo aumento delle sostanze immesse nel mercato, molte delle quali ancora non classificate dal punto di vista della pericolosità e quindi dei danni alla salute dei lavoratori, nonché di quelle classificate cancerogene dalla Comunità Economica Europea, impone una verifica dell’applicazione delle misure di tutela previste dalla normativa specifica anche ai fini della valutazione della esposizione dei lavoratori. Per questo motivo, il Servizio di Prevenzione e Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro della ASL n.2, Regione Umbria, ha avviato, fina dal 1996, anno di entrata in vigore del D.Lvo 626/94, un progetto volto ad individuare le aziende del proprio territorio con utilizzo e/o produzione all’interno del ciclo produttivo di sostanze cancerogene. In un campione di queste aziende divise per comparto (legno, distributori di carburante, metalmeccaniche, galvaniche, fonderie, laterizi, lavorazione della ceramica e del tabacco, imprese specializzate nella bonifica dei materiali contenenti amianto) sono state effettuate indagini ambientali volte a verificare i livelli di esposizione dei lavoratori agli agenti cancerogeni individuati. In alcuni casi, i campionamenti sono stati ripetuti anche dopo l’attuazione di specifiche misure di bonifica al fine di verificarne l’efficacia in termini di riduzione del rischio. Sono state censite 811 aziende che, all’interno del proprio ciclo produttivo, utilizzano o producono sostanze cancerogene con un numero di lavoratori esposti pari a circa 3821. I campionamenti ambientali effettuati depongono per livelli di esposizione ai vari agenti cancerogeni ricercati inferiori rispetto ai valori limite indicati dalla normativa o dalle principali associazioni igienistiche internazionali, fatta eccezione per alcune sostanze,come la silice libera cristallina, ed alcune condizioni lavorative particolari (bonifica amianto friabile). Le verifiche effettuate dopo gli interventi di bonifica prescritti hanno confermato l’efficacia degli stessi con una ulteriore e significativa riduzione del rischio. I lavoratori esposti sono stati identificati ai fini della trascrizione in un apposito registro che consenta, anche a distanza di tempo, una facile ricostruzione della esposizione professionale. Ciò anche al fine di agevolare i dovuti riconoscimenti previdenziali ed assicurativi oltre che le eventuali azioni giudiziarie.
Carcinogens project in a Local Health Unit in Umbria: updating of risk so as to estimate worker exposure levels
Background: The gradual increase of substances coming onto the market, many of which are still not classified in terms of hazard for worker’s health, in addition to those classified as carcinogens by the European Economic Community, imposes a review of the implementation of protective measures foreseen in specific regulations, also with the aim of assessing worker exposure. Objectives and method: For this purpose, the SPSAL (Prevention and Safety at the Workplace Service) of ASL (Local Health Unit) No. 2, Umbria Region, in 1996, when Law No. 626/94 came into force, started a project aimed at identifying the companies located in the Unit’s territory that used and/or produced carcinogens in their production cycle. In a sample of these companies, divided by category (wood, fuel distributors, engineering, galvanization, foundries, brickworks, ceramics processing, tobacco industries, and companies specializing in removal and recovery of asbestos-containing materials) environmental investigations were carried out to verify the levels of worker exposure to the carcinogens thus identified. In some cases, sampling was repeated even after the implementation of specific remedial measures in order to verify their effectiveness in terms of reducing risk. Results and conclusions: The production cycle, the use or production of carcinogenic substances was investigated in 811 companies, where the number of exposed workers was 3821. The environmental sampling carried out showed levels of exposure to various carcinogens that were below the limits specified by law or recommended by the major industrial hygiene associations. Checks carried out after the improvements confirmed their effectiveness and a significant reduction in risk. The exposed workers were identified for the purposes of entry in a special register that could, in the long term, facilitate the reconstruction of occupational exposure to carcinogens. This will also facilitate correct insurance and pension benefits and any legal action that might be taken.
Carcinogens project in a Local Health Unit in Umbria: updating of risk so as to estimate worker exposure levels
Background: The gradual increase of substances coming onto the market, many of which are still not classified in terms of hazard for worker’s health, in addition to those classified as carcinogens by the European Economic Community, imposes a review of the implementation of protective measures foreseen in specific regulations, also with the aim of assessing worker exposure. Objectives and method: For this purpose, the SPSAL (Prevention and Safety at the Workplace Service) of ASL (Local Health Unit) No. 2, Umbria Region, in 1996, when Law No. 626/94 came into force, started a project aimed at identifying the companies located in the Unit’s territory that used and/or produced carcinogens in their production cycle. In a sample of these companies, divided by category (wood, fuel distributors, engineering, galvanization, foundries, brickworks, ceramics processing, tobacco industries, and companies specializing in removal and recovery of asbestos-containing materials) environmental investigations were carried out to verify the levels of worker exposure to the carcinogens thus identified. In some cases, sampling was repeated even after the implementation of specific remedial measures in order to verify their effectiveness in terms of reducing risk. Results and conclusions: The production cycle, the use or production of carcinogenic substances was investigated in 811 companies, where the number of exposed workers was 3821. The environmental sampling carried out showed levels of exposure to various carcinogens that were below the limits specified by law or recommended by the major industrial hygiene associations. Checks carried out after the improvements confirmed their effectiveness and a significant reduction in risk. The exposed workers were identified for the purposes of entry in a special register that could, in the long term, facilitate the reconstruction of occupational exposure to carcinogens. This will also facilitate correct insurance and pension benefits and any legal action that might be taken.