Carico polmonare di fibre di asbesto e indici di esposizione cumulativa in lavoratori del cemento-amianto / Asbestos fibre lung burden and exposure indices in asbestos-cement workers
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Un gruppo di 12 lavoratori di una impresa del cemento-amianto che ha utilizzato il minerale dal 1961 al 1994 è stato sottoposto ad autopsia nell’ambito di un processo penale riguardante patologie asbesto-correlate. Poiché in numerose precedenti ricerche il carico polmonare di fibre di amianto è stato suggerito come indicatore di esposizione cumulativa al minerale e sono stati proposti limiti di riferimento per soggetti non professionalmente esposti, si sono raccolti campioni polmonari di questi lavoratori per l’analisi del contenuto di fibre. Scopo di questo studio è la misura delle concentrazioni parenchimali di fibre di amianto in lavoratori certamente esposti ad elevati livelli ambientali e la valutazione della concordanza tra queste e la stima della loro esposizione cumulativa. I campioni di tessuto polmonare di 12 lavoratori, di cui 5 affetti da mesotelioma pleurico, 4 da tumore polmonare, 2 da placche pleuriche e 1 da asbestosi, ottenuti nel corso di autopsie effettuate dal 1994 al 2007, sono stati prelevati, conservati ed analizzati in microscopia elettronica a scansione secondo gli standard suggeriti dalla letteratura scientifica. Le loro storie lavorative sono state dettagliatamente ricostruite con interviste dirette, ottenendo la durata di ogni singola mansione svolta, e si sono acquisiti i monitoraggi ambientali delle fibre aerodisperse effettuati negli anni ’70 dall’impresa. Il carico polmonare di fibre totali ha mostrato un ampio range di concentrazione (1,32-118 milioni) e il valore di anfiboli è risultato superiore a un milione di fibre per grammo di tessuto secco in tutti i 12 casi. La concentrazioni media delle fibre totali nei casi di mesotelioma risulta significativamente più elevata (t=2,29, p=0,045) rispetto alle altre patologie asbesto-correlate, come osservato in altri studi; in 9 soggetti sono state rilevate solo fibre di anfiboli. Malgrado l’ampio intervallo delle concentrazioni polmonari di fibre totali, si è osservata una buona correlazione (r=0,91, p<0,0001) tra queste e l’indice cumulativo di esposizione, basato sulla durata del lavoro per ogni mansione svolta e sulla stima delle concentrazioni ambientali di amianto. In conclusione, questo studio, numericamente il più rilevante mai svolto in Italia su lavoratori di questo settore, ha consentito: i) di caratterizzare il carico polmonare di fibre di amianto in soggetti professionalmente esposti ad elevate concentrazioni del minerale e affetti da diverse patologie asbesto-correlate; ii) di confermare un gradiente di concentrazione delle fibre, la quasi totalità costituita da anfiboli, tra mesoteliomi ed altre patologie e indicare una buona correlazione con un indicatore sintetico di esposizione cumulativa professionale.
Asbestos fibre lung burden and exposure indices in asbestos-cement workers
Background: In many previous studies, the asbestos fibres retained in the lung were regarded as a good index of cumulative occupational asbestos exposure. Twelve workers suffering from asbestos-related diseases and had been employed in an asbestos-cement factory operating from 1961 to 1994 underwent post mortem investigations in the course of a criminal law suit. Objectives: Samples of lung tissues were collected for electron microscopy analysis to measure the asbestos fibre burden of the lungs in workers with high exposure, and assess the possible correlation between asbestos fibre lung burden and the estimated levels of cumulative exposure. Methods: Samples of lung parenchyma obtained from a consecutive series of 12 post-mortem examinations that were performed between 1994 and 2007and included 5 cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma, 4 lung cancers, 1 case of asbestosis and 2 of pleural plaques, were collected, stored and analysed by SEM electron microscopy, according to the methods suggested by the current scientific literature. For each worker, all males, a detailed occupational history was reconstructed by means of personal interviews; both the measurements of airborne asbestos fibres performed by the factory in the 1970’s and the duration of each single job in the plant were taken into account to estimate an individual cumulative exposure index. Results: A wide variation of total asbestos fibre concentrations in the lung (1,320-118 million) was observed; in all 12 workers, the lung amphibole fibre burden exceeded 1,000,000 fibres per g/dry tissue, The highest values were detected in the mesothelioma cases, in which the mean fibre concentrations differed statistically (t=2.29, p=0.045) from the mean calculated for the other asbestos-related diseases; in 9 subjects only amphibole fibres were detected. There was a good correlation between total asbestos fibre concentration and cumulative exposure index (r=0.91, p<0.0001). Conclusion: This study, which was numerically the biggest ever performed in Italy for this category of workers, confirms a wide range of total asbestos fibre burden in heavily occupationally exposed workers and showed that of the asbestos-related diseases, the highest lung concentrations of asbestos fibres were reached in cases of mesothelioma. It was also observed that almost the entire lung burden consists of only amphibole fibres, all exceeding 1 million per gramme of dry tissue. This study tested a synthetic cumulative occupational exposure index, which appears to be well correlated to the level of exposure established by biological analysis.
Asbestos fibre lung burden and exposure indices in asbestos-cement workers
Background: In many previous studies, the asbestos fibres retained in the lung were regarded as a good index of cumulative occupational asbestos exposure. Twelve workers suffering from asbestos-related diseases and had been employed in an asbestos-cement factory operating from 1961 to 1994 underwent post mortem investigations in the course of a criminal law suit. Objectives: Samples of lung tissues were collected for electron microscopy analysis to measure the asbestos fibre burden of the lungs in workers with high exposure, and assess the possible correlation between asbestos fibre lung burden and the estimated levels of cumulative exposure. Methods: Samples of lung parenchyma obtained from a consecutive series of 12 post-mortem examinations that were performed between 1994 and 2007and included 5 cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma, 4 lung cancers, 1 case of asbestosis and 2 of pleural plaques, were collected, stored and analysed by SEM electron microscopy, according to the methods suggested by the current scientific literature. For each worker, all males, a detailed occupational history was reconstructed by means of personal interviews; both the measurements of airborne asbestos fibres performed by the factory in the 1970’s and the duration of each single job in the plant were taken into account to estimate an individual cumulative exposure index. Results: A wide variation of total asbestos fibre concentrations in the lung (1,320-118 million) was observed; in all 12 workers, the lung amphibole fibre burden exceeded 1,000,000 fibres per g/dry tissue, The highest values were detected in the mesothelioma cases, in which the mean fibre concentrations differed statistically (t=2.29, p=0.045) from the mean calculated for the other asbestos-related diseases; in 9 subjects only amphibole fibres were detected. There was a good correlation between total asbestos fibre concentration and cumulative exposure index (r=0.91, p<0.0001). Conclusion: This study, which was numerically the biggest ever performed in Italy for this category of workers, confirms a wide range of total asbestos fibre burden in heavily occupationally exposed workers and showed that of the asbestos-related diseases, the highest lung concentrations of asbestos fibres were reached in cases of mesothelioma. It was also observed that almost the entire lung burden consists of only amphibole fibres, all exceeding 1 million per gramme of dry tissue. This study tested a synthetic cumulative occupational exposure index, which appears to be well correlated to the level of exposure established by biological analysis.