Mesoteliomi negli edili: frequenza, stima del rischio, carico polmonare di fibre di amianto, domande e riconoscimenti per malattia professionale nel Registro regionale veneto dei casi di mesotelioma / Mesothelioma in construction workers: risk estimate, lung content of asbestos fibres, claims for compensation for occupational disease in the Veneto Region mesothelioma register
Main Article Content
Sintetizzare le informazioni sui soggetti residenti in Veneto affetti da mesotelioma che hanno lavorato come edili, l’attività lavorativa a maggiore frequenza di mesotelioma. Definizione di caso: mesotelioma supportato da esame istologico o citologico insorto tra il 1987 ed il 2006 in un residente del Veneto, attribuito ad esposizione ad amianto in edilizia. Stima del rischio: rapporto tra casi di mesotelioma ed occupati del settore edile, come definito dai dati censuari, corretto per presunto turn-over. Carico di fibre di amianto nel tessuto polmonare: analisi del tessuto polmonare al Microscopio Elettronico a Scansione per determinare tipo e quantità di fibre di amianto. Domande e riconoscimenti di malattia professionale: identificazione, tramite il flusso INAIL-Regioni, relativamente agli anni 1999-2006. Sono stati identificati 251 casi di mesotelioma associati al lavoro in edilizia (dei quali 21 per esposizione familiare o ambientale), che determinano un tasso annuale di 4,1 (IC 95%: 3,6-4,8) x 105.x anno negli addetti all’edilizia. Il carico di fibre di amianto determinato in 11 soggetti ha mostrato un valore medio di fibre >1 μ di 1.7x106 ff/gr tessuto secco (range 350.000-3.000.000), quasi esclusivamente determinato da fibre di anfiboli. Risultano aver ottenuto il riconoscimento assicurativo il 62% delle domande di malattia professionale per mesotelioma, ma questa percentuale scende al 40% se il riconoscimento è chiesto dopo il decesso. I mesoteliomi negli edili sono in rapporto causale con l’esposizione ad amianto, come è emerso dalle storie lavorative e come rileva l’elevato carico polmonare di fibre. Il rischio risulta misconosciuto e sottovalutato nelle ricostruzioni anamnestiche dei casi e dei familiari. Tutti i casi di mesotelioma che insorgono negli edili dovrebbero essere indennizzati come malattia professionale.
Mesothelioma in construction workers: risk estimate, lung content of asbestos fibres, claims for compensation for occupational disease in the Veneto Region mesothelioma register
Background: Work in the construction industry is causing the highest number of mesotheliomas among the residents of the Veneto Region (north-east Italy, 4,5 million inhabitants). Objectives: To sum up the results on occurrence, asbestos exposure, lung fibre content analyses, and compensation for occupational disease. Methods: Case identification and asbestos exposure classification: active search of mesotheliomas that were diagnosed via histological or cytological examinations occurring between 1987 and 2006; a probability of asbestos exposure was attributed to each case, following interviews with the subjects or their relatives and collection of data on the jobs held over their lifetime. Risk estimate among construction workers: the ratio between cases and person-years, the latter derived from the number of construction workers reported by censuses. Lung content of asbestos fibres: examination of lung specimens by Scanning Electron Microscope to determine number and type of fibres. Claims for compensation and compensation awarded: data obtained from the National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Diseases available for the period 1999-2006. Results: of 952 mesothelioma cases classified as due to asbestos exposure, 251 were assigned to work in the construction industry (21 of which due to domestic of environmental exposures), which gives a rate of 4.1 (95% CI 3.6-4.8) x 105 x year among construction workers. The asbestos fibre content detected in the lungs of 11 construction workers showed a mean of 1.7 x 106 fibres/g dry tissue(range 350,000-3 million) for fibres >1 μ, almost exclusively due to amphibole fibres. 62% of the claims for compensation were granted but the percentage fell to less than 40% when claims were submitted by a relative, after the death of the subject. Conclusion: The prevalence of mesothelioma occurring among construction workers is high and is associated with asbestos exposure; the risk is underestimated by the subjects and their relatives. All mesotheliomas occurring among construction workers should be granted compensation for occupational disease.
Mesothelioma in construction workers: risk estimate, lung content of asbestos fibres, claims for compensation for occupational disease in the Veneto Region mesothelioma register
Background: Work in the construction industry is causing the highest number of mesotheliomas among the residents of the Veneto Region (north-east Italy, 4,5 million inhabitants). Objectives: To sum up the results on occurrence, asbestos exposure, lung fibre content analyses, and compensation for occupational disease. Methods: Case identification and asbestos exposure classification: active search of mesotheliomas that were diagnosed via histological or cytological examinations occurring between 1987 and 2006; a probability of asbestos exposure was attributed to each case, following interviews with the subjects or their relatives and collection of data on the jobs held over their lifetime. Risk estimate among construction workers: the ratio between cases and person-years, the latter derived from the number of construction workers reported by censuses. Lung content of asbestos fibres: examination of lung specimens by Scanning Electron Microscope to determine number and type of fibres. Claims for compensation and compensation awarded: data obtained from the National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Diseases available for the period 1999-2006. Results: of 952 mesothelioma cases classified as due to asbestos exposure, 251 were assigned to work in the construction industry (21 of which due to domestic of environmental exposures), which gives a rate of 4.1 (95% CI 3.6-4.8) x 105 x year among construction workers. The asbestos fibre content detected in the lungs of 11 construction workers showed a mean of 1.7 x 106 fibres/g dry tissue(range 350,000-3 million) for fibres >1 μ, almost exclusively due to amphibole fibres. 62% of the claims for compensation were granted but the percentage fell to less than 40% when claims were submitted by a relative, after the death of the subject. Conclusion: The prevalence of mesothelioma occurring among construction workers is high and is associated with asbestos exposure; the risk is underestimated by the subjects and their relatives. All mesotheliomas occurring among construction workers should be granted compensation for occupational disease.