Cholangiocarcinoma and Occupational Exposure to Asbestos: Insights From the Italian Pooled Cohort Study

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Stefania Curti
Mena Gallo
Daniela Ferrante
Francesca Bella
Lorenza Boschetti
Veronica Casotto
Marcello Ceppi
Daniela Cervino
Lucia Fazzo
Ugo Fedeli
Paolo Giorgi Rossi
Lucia Giovannetti
Paolo Girardi
Cecilia Lando
Enrica Migliore
Lucia Miligi
Enrico Oddone
Vincenza Perlangeli
Roberta Pernetti
Sara Piro
Cinzia Storchi
Rosario Tumino
Amerigo Zona
Manuel Zorzi
Giovanni Brandi
Stefano Ferretti
Corrado Magnani
Alessandro Marinaccio
Stefano Mattioli


Cholangiocarcinoma, Asbestos Exposure, Cohort study, Cancer Registries


Background: Recent studies supported the association between occupational exposure to asbestos and risk of cholangiocarcinoma (CC). Aim of the present study is to investigate this association using an update of mortality data from the Italian pooled asbestos cohort study and to test record linkage to Cancer Registries to distinguish between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic/extrahepatic forms of CC. Methods: The update of a large cohort study pooling 52 Italian industrial cohorts of workers formerly exposed to asbestos was carried out. Causes of death were coded according to ICD. Linkage was carried out for those subjects who died for liver or bile duct cancer with data on histological subtype provided by Cancer Registries. Results: 47 cohorts took part in the study (57,227 subjects). We identified 639 causes of death for liver and bile duct cancer in the 44 cohorts covered by Cancer Registry. Of these 639, 240 cases were linked to Cancer Registry, namely 14 CC, 83 HCC, 117 cases with unspecified histology, 25 other carcinomas, and one case of cirrhosis (likely precancerous condition). Of the 14 CC, 12 occurred in 2010-2019, two in 2000-2009, and none before 2000. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to explore the association between occupational exposure to asbestos and CC. Record linkage was hampered due to incomplete coverage of the study areas and periods by Cancer Registries. The identification of CC among unspecific histology cases is fundamental to establish more effective and targeted liver cancer screening strategies.

Abstract 624 | PDF Downloads 571


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