Personalised Medicine: implication and perspectives in the field of occupational health Precision Medicine to promote Occupational Health

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Valentina Bollati
Luca Ferrari
Veruscka Leso
Ivo Iavicoli


Precision Medicine, Occupational health, Individual variability, risk assesment


“Personalised medicine” relies on identifying and integrating individual variability in genomic, biological, and physiological parameters, as well as in environmental and lifestyle factors, to define “individually” targeted disease prevention and treatment. Although innovative “omic” technologies supported the application of personalised medicine in clinical, oncological, and pharmacological settings, its role in occupational health practice and research is still in a developing phase. Occupational personalised approaches have been currently applied in experimental settings and in conditions of unpredictable risks, e.g.. war missions and space flights, where it is essential to avoid disease manifestations and therapy failure. However, a debate is necessary as to whether personalized medicine may be even more important to support a redefinition of the risk assessment processes taking into consideration the complex interaction between occupational and individual factors. Indeed, “omic” techniques can be helpful to understand the hazardous properties of the xenobiotics, dose-response relationships through a deeper elucidation of the exposure-disease pathways and internal doses of exposure. Overall, this may guide the adoption/implementation of primary preventive measures protective for the vast majority of the population, including most susceptible subgroups. However, the application of personalised medicine into occupational health requires overcoming some practical, ethical, legal, economical, and socio-political issues, particularly concerning the protection of privacy, and the risk of discrimination that the workers may experience. In this scenario, the concerted action of academic, industry, governmental, and stakeholder representatives should be encouraged to improve research aimed to guide effective and sustainable implementation of personalised medicine in occupational health fields.

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