Anterior segment configuration and retinal nerve fiber layer analysis post pediatric cataract surgery: A systematic review
cataract, anterior segment, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, childrenAbstract
Background and aim: Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment worldwide. Most children with cataracts require surgery, and only a few can be treated conservatively. Cataract surgery in children poses different challenges and potential complications compared to those faced in the adult population. Cataract surgery may significantly alter the normal structure of the anterior segment and consequently changes the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness. This systematic review aims to determine the anterior segment configuration and RNFL analysis in post pediatric cataract surgery.
Methods: This research is a systematic review study regarding anterior segment configuration and RNFL analysis in post pediatric cataract surgery. The literature search used the PRISMA guidelines through the Pubmed, Science Direct, Cochrane, and Clinical Key, with the keywords "cataract", "anterior segment", and “RNFL thickness”, alongside with “children” and “post-surgery”.
Results: There were 10 final articles identified in this systematic review that met the inclusion criteria. The entire article discusses the anterior segment configuration and RNFL analysis in post pediatric cataract surgery. Of the 10 articles identified, those articles found that there are changes in the anterior chamber depth and central corneal thickness. There is also a thinning in RNFL thickness, but other studies also stated that there were no significant difference in RNFL thickness between preoperation, one month after surgery, and normal control.
Conclusions: Cataract is still a health problem, especially in children. Cataract surgery can affect both the anterior segment and RNFL thickness.
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