COVID-19: the critical balance between appropriate governmental restrictions and expected economic, psychological and social consequences in Italy. Are we going in the right direction?

COVID-19: the critical balance between appropriate governmental restrictions and expected economic, psychological and social consequences in Italy. Are we going in the right direction?


  • Paolo Diego L'Angiocola 1San Giovanni di Dio Regional Hospital, Department of Cardiology, ASUGI Gorizia, Italy
  • Manuel Monti Assisi Hospital, Department of Accidents and Emergency, ASL Umbria 1, Assisi, Italy


COVID-19; quarantine; mortality rate; public health.


Since the declaration of COVID-19 pandemic infection by the World Health Organization, many governmental restrictions have been differently applied in the involved countries in order to contain the spread of the infection; Italy applied severe restrictive, public measures actually confining the entire population to an almost complete lockdown for several weeks; the restrictive quarantine can be considered controversial when excessively prolonged over time, due to many possible economic, psychologic and social consequences with a remarkable impact on the population. In this article we analyze possible collateral damages related to the prolonged quarantine.


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How to Cite

L'Angiocola PD, Monti M. COVID-19: the critical balance between appropriate governmental restrictions and expected economic, psychological and social consequences in Italy. Are we going in the right direction?. Acta Biomed. 2020;91(2):35-38. doi:10.23750/abm.v91i2.9575