The scapho-capitate syndrome: a case report with follow-up of three years

The scapho-capitate syndrome: a case report with follow-up of three years


  • Alessio Pedrazzini SSD Ortopedia e Traumatologia , Ospedale Oglio Po, Casalmaggiore (CR)
  • Lisiana Daci Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Parma. Italy. Via Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma (Italy)
  • Nicola Bertoni Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Via Staffolo 51 - 26041 Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Bianca Pedrabissi Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Via Staffolo 51 - 26041 Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Henry Yewo Simo Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Via Staffolo 51 - 26041 Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Vanni Medina Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Via Staffolo 51 - 26041 Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Francesco Ceccarelli Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Parma. Italy. Via Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma (Italy)
  • Francesco Pogliacomi Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Parma. Italy. Via Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma (Italy)


Fenton’s syndrome, scapho-capitate syndrome, fracture, capitate, scaphoid, carpus, wrist


The scapho-capitate or Fenton syndrome is characterized by an associate fracture of the scaphoid and capitate with rotation of 90° or 180° of the capitate’s head. We report a case of this syndrome which occurred in a fifteen years old professional motorcyclist who came to our observation following a high-energy trauma that occurred during the track tests. Through a dorsal access the fractures of the capitate and scaphoid were reduced and stabilized with Kirschner wires. The patient was radiographically and clinically evaluated three years after surgery; complete healing of scaphoid fracture and reabsorption of the capitate’s head as consequence of avascular necrosis with the onset of a midcarpal arthritis were observed. Despite this radiographic evolution, the patient achieved excellent clinical result featured by complete recovery of wrist motion and absence of pain thus allowing the return to motorcycling.

Author Biography

Alessio Pedrazzini, SSD Ortopedia e Traumatologia , Ospedale Oglio Po, Casalmaggiore (CR)

specialista in ortopedia e traumatolgia, specialista in idrologia medica, master in Chirurgia della Mano, diploma di Tecniche Microchirurgiche, professore a  contratto dell'Università di Parma




How to Cite

Pedrazzini A, Daci L, Bertoni N, Pedrabissi B, Yewo Simo H, Medina V, et al. The scapho-capitate syndrome: a case report with follow-up of three years. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];90(12-S):156-61. Available from: