Spontaneous iliopsoas hematoma in a trasfusion dependent β-thalassemia patient with hypersplenism: a case report

Spontaneous iliopsoas hematoma in a trasfusion dependent β-thalassemia patient with hypersplenism: a case report


  • Aishwariya Padmakumari Department of Medical Education Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Doha, Qatar
  • Mohammed Talat Department of Radiology, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Doha, Qatar
  • Ashraf Soliman Department of Pediatrics, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt; 4 Paediatric and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, Quisisana Hospital, Ferrara, Italy
  • Vincenzo De Sanctis Paediatric and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, Quisisana Hospital, Ferrara, Italy
  • Abdulqadir Nashwan Nurse Research Scientist, Cancer Clinical Trials Unit, NCCCR, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Doha, Qatar
  • Mohamed A Yassin Hematology Section, National Center for Cancer Care and Research, Hamad Medical Corporation, (HMC), Doha, Qatar


Iliopsoas hematoma, trasfusion dependent β- thalassemia, diagnosis, treatment, hypersplenism


A 27-year-old married man with transfusion dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) complaining low back pain due to a spontaneous iliopsoas hematoma is reported. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed the diagnosis.The patient was managed conservatively. The mechanism of spontaneous iliopsoas hematoma was unclear, although tearing of muscle fibers, unrecognized minor trauma, low platelet count, secondary to hypersplenism, and severe liver iron overload, associated to abnormalities of clotting factors synthesis, were the suspected etiologies.  He showed a good response to treatment and was discharged home 11 days later. A new MRI, performed 7 months later, showed a complete resolution of hematoma. Although iliopsoas haematoma is an uncommon complication in patients with TDT, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a patient with back pain.







How to Cite

Padmakumari A, Talat M, Soliman A, De Sanctis V, Nashwan A, Yassin MA. Spontaneous iliopsoas hematoma in a trasfusion dependent β-thalassemia patient with hypersplenism: a case report. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];90(1):107-11. Available from: https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/article/view/7943