Management and effect of platelet-rich plasma on wound healing: small reality of Oglio Po Hospital

Management and effect of platelet-rich plasma on wound healing: small reality of Oglio Po Hospital


  • Fioralba Follo Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Dario Oliver Dejana Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Parma, Parma
  • Marzia Belletti Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Nicolina Bongiovanni Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Giuseppina Scarpa Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Patrizia Pezzali Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Sandra Borsi Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Laura Sanfilippo Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Nadia Lusetti Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Luigi Zaini Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Patrizia Loritto Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy
  • Francesco Pogliacomi Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Parma, Parma
  • Alessio Pedrazzini Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy


Platelet rich plasma, Platelets, Growth factors, Wound healing, PRP


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) represents a relatively new approach in regenerative medicine. Its use is increasing in the treatment of a variety of orthopedic conditions, such as the management of acute wounds, chronic non-healing lesions, acceleration of bone formation, tendinopathy and chondropathy. The Orthopaedic Unit at Oglio Po Hospital uses PRP Gel in wound care since 2008. More than 70 patients have been treated with this procedure. The aim of this study is to show our patients outcome. We present 3 cases of severe traumatic wound treated with our PRP protocol. The patients had complete healing of the lesion with good aesthetic results.

Author Biography

Alessio Pedrazzini, Orthopaedic Unit, Oglio Po Hospital, Vicomoscano (CR), Italy

specialista in ortopedia e traumatolgia, specialista in idrologia medica, master in Chirurgia della Mano, diploma di Tecniche Microchirurgiche, professore a  contratto dell'Università di Parma




How to Cite

Follo F, Dejana DO, Belletti M, et al. Management and effect of platelet-rich plasma on wound healing: small reality of Oglio Po Hospital. Acta Biomed. 2017;88(5-S):66-70. doi:10.23750/abm.v88i5-S.6895