The missed Constitutional Reform and its possible impact on the sustainability of the Italian National Health Service

The missed Constitutional Reform and its possible impact on the sustainability of the Italian National Health Service


  • Carlo Signorelli Centro di Formazione e Ricerca su organizzazione, qualità e sostenibilità dei sistemi sanitari, Università degli Studi di Parma
  • Anna Oddone
  • Armando Gozzini
  • Fabio Petrelli
  • Marcello Tirani
  • Antonello Zangrandi
  • Roberta Zoni
  • Nicola Florindo


The rejection of the Constitutional Law Bill No.1429-D in the December 2016 referendum, has stimulated a cause for reflection on current health legislation and the future prospects of the Italian National Health Service; also in the context of the recent approval of the new Essential Levels of care (LEA) and other relevant laws approved by the Parliament. This article analyzes possible future legislative and organizational scenarios with particular regard to issues related to National health system’s sustainability.




How to Cite

Signorelli C, Oddone A, Gozzini A, et al. The missed Constitutional Reform and its possible impact on the sustainability of the Italian National Health Service. Acta Biomed. 2017;88(1):91-94. doi:10.23750/abm.v88i1.6408