Card game intervention to train healthcare professionals in advance care planning for older adults: A holistic case study from Italy
advance care planning, older aduls, training evaluation, card game intervention, healthcare training, cognitive decline, healthcare professionals, Italy case study, geriatric care innovationAbstract
Background and aim Advance care planning (ACP) promotes patient-centered care by aligning future healthcare choices with patients' values and preferences. Gamification may be a promising method to introduce ACP. This article describes a multi-component and experiential training program based on the use of a Card-Game inspired by the Go Wish Game, targeting HPs working with older adults living with frailty.
Methods: We adopted a single, holistic case study with data triangulation. Data were collected by focus groups (FGs), field notes, and card-game form before and after the training. Data were thematically analyzed and triangulated. Data collected before and after the training were compared to identify the difference in meaning that professionals attribute to the use of the game and the activation of conversations on ACP.
Results: At the end of the gaming session, clinicians wrote field notes and completed 9 card-games forms; 2 FG were performed (one before and one after the gaming session). Data analysis highlighted three main themes: 1) performing the card-game in clinical practice, 2) barriers to the card-game application, and 3) the card-game and ACP implementation. The ACP course based on gamification eases the use of card-game in clinical practice to start conversations on values and preferences with older persons and caregivers.
Conclusions: Our results might offer grounds for further studies aiming to evaluate the training's effectiveness in terms of the increment of the participants' competencies towards ACP, using card-game.
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