Improving quality of end-of-life education: results of a composite educational intervention on nursing students’ attitudes toward care of dying patients
end-of-life education, attitudes toward care of dying patients, nursing students, simulation, palliative care, nursing educationAbstract
Background and aim: The literature highlights a widespread negative attitude of nurses toward end of life that is often expressed with the fear of facing death or talking about it, and with the tendency to avoid persons under care and their caregivers. This situation seems to take root already in the training period. The aim of this quality improvement project was to evaluate the effects of a composite end-of-life educational intervention (EoLei) at improving nursing students' attitude toward care of dying patients.
Methods: 109 nursing students completed a 3-day EoLei, consisting of two multi-professional seminars, with a training caregiver present, followed by viewing a film with an associated activity of reflection and lastly a simulation activity in small groups. Data were collected before and after the EoLei, using the Italian version of Frommelt Attitudes Toward the Care of Dying Form B (FACTOD-B) scale. Two open questions were also administered at the end of the educational activity to collect students' feedback.
Results: After the educational program, the increase in the FACTOD-B total score of our sample indicate a more positive attitude towards providing care for patients who are dying and their families as a result of the EoLei (M=120.33 (SD 9.4) vs M=122.08 (SD 9.6), P=0.018). Four themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: knowledge, awareness, relationship with death and a helping relationship.
Conclusions: This project has highlighted how a short training experience composed of a combination of educational methods positively changed the attitude of nursing students to end-of-life care.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Paola Ferri, Sara Alberti, Rosaria Di Lorenzo, Dalia Caleffi, Ivan Rubbi, Giovanna Artioli, Sergio Rovesti, Ilaria Saguatti

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