Mental state, prevalence of anxiety and depression, and sociodemographic characteristics of formal and informal caregivers of hospitalized older adults
Anxiety, Caregiver, Depression, Aged, Mental healthAbstract
Background and Aim: Population aging has increased demand for caregivers, affecting their mental health. This study aimed to characterize caregivers of hospitalized older adults, exploring sociodemographic, economic, and clinical aspects, and correlating these with their mental state, anxiety, and depression.
Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 74 caregivers, assessing them with a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Statistical analyses included correlation tests and group comparisons.
Results: Most caregivers were informal (89.19%), female (77.03%), Caucasian (64.86%), urban residents (93.24%), aged 50.42±14.30 years, with over eight years of education (43.24%), and working outside the home (54.05%). They had low prevalence of hypertension (68.92%), diabetes (86.49%), or other health issues (54.05%). Lower education correlated with lower MMSE scores (p=0.001); informal caregivers had lower MMSE scores than formal ones (p=0.002). Higher education related to lower HADS anxiety and depression scores (p=0.014).
Conclusions: Caregivers of hospitalized older adults are mainly informal, exhibit high cognitive performance, and generally lack anxiety or depression related to their caregiving role. Education significantly influences mental health and mood symptoms, underscoring the need for tailored support and training to enhance caregivers' well-being and quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Orofino Tarosso, João Daniel de Souza Menezes, Matheus Querino da Silva, Yuri Sacardo, Emerson Roberto dos Santos, Renato Mendonça Ribeiro, Loiane Letícia dos Santos, Vânia Del Arco Paschoal, Daniele Alcalá Pompeo, Maria Claudia Parro, Alba Regina de Abreu Lima, Vânia Maria Sabadoto Brienze, Júlio César André, Rita de Cássia Helu Mendonça Ribeiro

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