Managing intrafamilial maltreatment in psychiatric clinical care: insights from an Italian adolescent cohort
childhood maltreament, trauma, adolescence, chil psychiatryAbstract
Background and aim: Childhood Maltreatment is a leading cause of psychopathology, yet it is often neglected in the psychiatric clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to assess the frequency of childhood maltreatment in an Italian cohort of teenagers with psychiatric conditions and its impact on single disorders. Methods: a retrospective analysis was conducted on the medical records of 172 patients referring to a child psychiatry unit, identifying childhood maltreatment events through questionnaires, personal data, and psychiatric history, and gathering socio-demographic information and mean scores at tests assessing depression, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, and impulsivity. Results: 32% of the sample reported exposure to child maltreatment. Exposed children showed statistically significant higher rates of clinical severity, i.e., they were more frequently admitted as inpatients and under pharmacological therapy. Children of families under social service protection, with divorced parents, and a history of psychiatric diseases or substance abuse, showed significantly increased odds of exposure. Noticeably, socioeconomic status was not a significant factor. Conclusions: Childhood maltreatment is common among high-risk teenagers and dramatically impacts psychiatric conditions. Therefore, it should be routinely assessed and considered in the psychiatric care plan.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valerio Zaccaria, Elena Arigliani, Arianna Terrinoni, Miriam Aricò, Nedjma Deha, Carla Sogos, Mauro Ferrara, Francesco Pisani, Maria Romani

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