Outcomes at 2 years follow-up of sacral fractures associated with unstable vertical pelvic ring injuries in obese patients: a multicentric retrospective study
Sacral fractures and pelvic injuries in obese patients
sacral fractures; pelvic ring fractures; vertical shear; obese patients; lumbopelvic fixation; BMI; abdominal circumference, sacral fractures; pelvic ring fractures; vertical shear; obese patients;, lumbopelvic fixation; BMI; abdominal circumference;Abstract
Background and aim: Sacral fractures with concomitant unstable pelvic ring injuries are severe conditions which occur in patients involved in high-energy trauma. When operative treatment is required, high surgical experience on the field is mandatory, especially in a sub-polpulation of obese patients which have increased risk of complications. The aim of this multicentric retroscpective study was to describe and analyze clinical and radiological outcomes of sacral vertical fractures in obese patients with a minimum of 2 years follow-up.
Methods: A total of 121 pelvic fractures admitted to Emergency Departments of three II level trauma centres from April 2015 to April 2021 were retrospectively reviewed. Demographics, injury mechanism, surgical data and complications were collected. The quality of life and the pelvic function were respectively measured by SF-12 questionnaires, Denis Work Scale and Majeed Score. The inter-rater agreement between the clinical scores and the Denis Work Scale was assessed.
Results: A total of 19 patients were included in the study. The average follow up was 41.16 months. The average BMI was 38.63 and the mean abdominal circumference was 128.10 cm. The average Majeed and SF-12 scores were respectively 66.47 and 74.32. Five patients were able to return to their previous employment. The post traumatic life's quality and related dysfunctions are influenced by the high BMI.
Conclusions: Faster recovery and early weight-bearing should be persued in order to minimize complications, expecially in obese patients. In these sample of patients, “triangular osteosynthesis" was the best treatment choice for sacral vertical fractures
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francesco Liuzza, MD, Amarildo Smakaj, MD, Giuseppe Rovere, MD, PhD, Domenico De Mauro, MD, Giuseppe Rollo, MD, Rocco Erasmo, MD, Andrea Fidanza, MD, PhD, FIOTA, Predrag Gruobor, MD, Luigi Meccariello, MD

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