Prescriptive appropriateness in early breast cancer staging exams: preliminary investigation about adherence to the guidelines in the clinical practice

Prescriptive appropriateness in early breast cancer staging exams: preliminary investigation about adherence to the guidelines in the clinical practice


  • Angelo Errico Radiotherapy Unit, “Mons. Dimiccoli” Hospital, Viale Ippocrate 15, 76121 Barletta, Italy
  • Alessia Di Rito Radiotherapy Unit, “Mons. Dimiccoli” Hospital, Viale Ippocrate 15, 76121 Barletta - Italy
  • Alessandra Sallustio Radiotherapy Unit, “A. Perrino” Hospital, Strada Statale 7 per Mesagne, 72100 Brindisi, Italy
  • Lilia Bardoscia Radiation Oncology Unit, S. Luca Hospital, Healthcare Company Tuscany Nord Ovest, Via G.L. Francesconi 556, 55100 Lucca, Italy
  • Santa Bambace Radiotherapy Unit, “Mons. Dimiccoli” Hospital, Viale Ippocrate 15, 76121 Barletta, Italy
  • Maurizio Portaluri Radiotherapy Unit, “A. Perrino” Hospital, Strada Statale 7 per Mesagne, 72100 Brindisi, Italy
  • Giuseppe Guglielmi Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Foggia University School of Medicine, Viale L. Pinto 1, 71121 Foggia, Italy; Radiology Unit, ‘‘Dimiccoli’’ Hospital, Viale Ippocrate 15, 70051 Barletta, Italy ; Radiology Unit, Hospital ‘‘Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza’’, San Giovanni Rotondo, Viale Cappuccini 2, 71013 Foggia, Italy
  • Francesco Tramacere Radiotherapy Unit, “A. Perrino” Hospital, Strada Statale 7 per Mesagne, 72100 Brindisi, Italy


early breast cancer, staging, prescriptive appropriateness, guidelines, adherence




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How to Cite

Errico A, Di Rito A, Sallustio A, Bardoscia L, Bambace S, Portaluri M, et al. Prescriptive appropriateness in early breast cancer staging exams: preliminary investigation about adherence to the guidelines in the clinical practice. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Sep. 15];94(5):e2023204. Available from: