Italian translation and reliability of Fist-Sci Scale for chronic paraplegic patients: an observational study
Spinal cord injury, physiotherapy, trunk control, evaluation scaleAbstract
Background and aim: Lack of trunk control following spinal cord injury implicates a worse quality of life and a higher dependence on caregivers; literature proposes several evaluation scales, but studies show poor methodological quality. This study aimed to translate and explore the significance of the Italian version of the FIST-SCI scale for chronic spinal cord injury patients.
Methods: A longitudinal cohort study was conducted at Fiorenzuola D'Arda Hospital. After a forward/backward translation of the FIST-SCI scale in Italian content and face translational validity, intervalutator reliability was assessed. Patients were recruited by historical tracking of patients who received acute rehabilitation care at the Villanova D'Arda Spinal Unit. Two researchers administered the FIST-SCI scale to the same patients at the follow-up.
Results: Ten patients took part in the study; results showed that higher inter-rater correlation coefficient (Pearson's R= 0.89, p= 0.01 Intra-class correlation coefficient= 0.94, p=0.000). Content validity was also excellent (Scale Content Validity Index = 0.91); some experts suggested future scale developments.
Discussion: Italian FIST-SCI scale for assessing trunk control in chronic spinal patients appears to be an excellent assessment tool concerning intervalutator reliability. Content validity further confirms the validity of the instrument.
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