Satisfaction evaluation for ACLS training

Satisfaction evaluation for ACLS training


  • Giuseppe Stirparo SIMED (Società Italiana di Medicina e Divulgazione Scientifica)
  • Luca Gambolò SIMED (Società Italiana di Medicina e Divulgazione Scientifica, Parma (Italy);
  • Lorenzo Bellini SIMED (Società Italiana di Medicina e Divulgazione Scientifica, Parma (Italy);
  • Filippo Medioli SIMED (Società Italiana di Medicina e Divulgazione Scientifica, Parma (Italy);
  • Maria Bertuol University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Parma, (Italy)
  • Massimo Guasconi University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Parma, (Italy) ; Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale” (Local Health Service) di Piacenza, Piacenza, (Italy)
  • Francesco Sulla University of Foggia, Department of Humanities, Foggia (Italy).
  • Giovanna Artioli University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Parma, (Italy)
  • Leopoldo Sarli University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Parma, (Italy)


Advanced Cardiac Life Support, SSE, Personal Satisfaction, Critical Care, Simulation Training



Background and aim: simulation became gradually pivotal in training of health professionals: indeed, it showed an improvement in practical skill of the trainees compared to theoretical lectures. Among others, ACLS (advance cardiovascular life support) courses are now one of the standard learning practices most spread around the world.

The primary aim of this study is to evaluate both the level of satisfaction and the clinical thinking that the trainees perceived during an ACLS course. This was performed via the SSE validated scale (Satisfaction with simulation experience scale). The secondary aim was to evaluate if demographics affect the aforementioned perceived satisfaction.

Methods: a SSE questionnaire was distributed after the ACLS section of practical scenarios, just before the end of the course and of the practical test.

Results: 72 questionnaires have been collected. The sample was constituted by 68.1% of females, 44,4% by nurses without a master’s degree, and 52,8% personnel that works outside of a critical care setting. QTOT Median score was 89 (IQR=86-90), DTOT Median’s 45 (IQR= 44.25-45), RTOT Median’s 25 (IQR=22-25), LTOT Median was 20 (IQR=19-20).

 Conclusions: The ACLS course attains a high grade of satisfaction on all of the three aspects evaluated by the questionnaire. The perception was not influenced by the demographics.


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How to Cite

Stirparo G, Gambolò L, Bellini L, Medioli F, Bertuol M, Guasconi M, et al. Satisfaction evaluation for ACLS training . Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];93(3):e2022260. Available from: