Outcomes in arthroscopic surgery and proposal rehabilitative treatment in femoral acetabular impingement syndrome

Outcomes in arthroscopic surgery and proposal rehabilitative treatment in femoral acetabular impingement syndrome


  • Paolo Di Benedetto clinic of orthopaedics, University Hospital of Udine
  • Daniele Vidi
  • Michele Mario Buttironi
  • Francesco Mancuso
  • Marco Ricciarelli
  • Araldo Causero


FAI, arthroscopic surgery, rehabilitative treatment, Hip, Hip Arthroscopy


Background and aim of the work

Femural Acetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) is a patologic condition that can lead to hip pain, functional limitation and stiffness. In the last few decades orthopedics and physiotherapists have improved both surgery and riabilitative treatment leading to a better and better treatment. The target of this paper il to verify the efficiency of an early and multimodal physiotherapic treatment after and arthroscopic surgery of the FAIS


Materials and Methods

We performed arthroscopic treatment and rehabilitation on 19 patients with mean age of 37±8,3 years, 12 males and 7 females. Each patient has been evaluated preoperatively (T0), postoperatively after 6 week (T1) and after 3 months of follow up (T2), the assessment was carried out by: administration of the VAS and WOMAC score for pain and function and joint examination of active hip movement through an inertial sensor system.



VAS score shows a decrease of pain after 6 week (mean decrease was 36%) and after 3 months (mean decrease was 33%).

WOMAC score shows an increase of the funcional performance of the hip after 3 weeks and after 3 months (in both phases the mean score increase of the 44%)

At last, the analysis of the active movement and of the hip joint showed a generalized increase in all movements both 6 weeks and 3 months after surgery, in particular for flexion (with the knee flexed) and internal rotation movements. of the hip.



The results of this study are in line with the current scientific literature and the protocol used represents a valid tool to complete the surgical treatment.

The proposal of an early, intensive treatment combined with hydrokinesitherapy seems to be safe and effective, however further studies are needed (increasing the sample size) to investigate the results.


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How to Cite

Di Benedetto P, Vidi D, Buttironi MM, Mancuso F, Ricciarelli M, Causero A. Outcomes in arthroscopic surgery and proposal rehabilitative treatment in femoral acetabular impingement syndrome. Acta Biomed. 2022;92(S3):e2021575. doi:10.23750/abm.v92iS3.12710