Impalement injuries of the shoulder: a case report with literature review

Impalement injuries of the shoulder: a case report with literature review


  • Marco Scaglia Università di Verona
  • Stefano Negri Università di Verona
  • Gianmarco Pellizzari Università di Verona
  • Andrea Amarossi Università di Verona
  • Davide Pasquetto Università di Verona
  • Elena Manuela Samaila Università di Verona
  • Tommaso Maluta Università di Verona
  • Eugenio Vecchini Università di Verona
  • Matteo Ricci Università di Verona
  • Roberto Valentini Università di Verona
  • Bruno Magnan Università di Verona


Shoulder impalement, penetrant trauma, foreign body, surgical management, shoulder function


The management of penetrating skeletal extremity trauma is a clinical challenge even for experienced surgeons. While the treatment of associated vascular injuries should be prioritized, there is still a lack of evidence regarding the management of foreign bodies in case of bone fractures or neurological injuries.

Here we present a case of impalement of the right proximal humerus with a construction steel rod. The 54-year-old man was successfully treated without vascular, neurological, and thoracic sequelae.

A review of the current literature about the most appropriate extrication sequences and soft tissue reconstruction following massive foreign body injuries was carried out.


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How to Cite

Scaglia M, Negri S, Pellizzari G, et al. Impalement injuries of the shoulder: a case report with literature review . Acta Biomed. 2022;92(S3):e2021565. doi:10.23750/abm.v92iS3.12563