Correlations between performance and shift work in the nursing activities: a pilot approach: Performance and shift work in nursing

Correlations between performance and shift work in the nursing activities: a pilot approach

Performance and shift work in nursing


  • Elsa Vitale a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:8:"ASL Bari";}
  • Roberto Lupo
  • Silvia Fortunato Department of Mental Health, Local Healthcare Company Bologna, Italy
  • Attilio Gualano SS. Anunziata Hospital, Local Health Authority Taranto, Italy
  • Maria Rita Giammarinaro Bed Management, Arnas Civico, Palermo, Italy
  • Lorenzo Bardone University of Piemonte Orientale, Biella headquarters, Italy
  • Rocco Mea San Carlo Hospital, Potenza, Italy
  • Antonino Calabrò Nuovo Ospedale degli Infermi Hospital, Local Health Authority Biella, Italy
  • Giuseppe D'Anna Departmental Care Manager, Paolo Giaccone Polyclinic University Hospital, Palermo, Italy
  • Cosimo Della Pietà Manager of Health Professions, Local Health Authority Bari, Italy
  • Francesco Germinni Manager of Health Professions, Local Health Authority Bari, Italy


Nursing, Performance, Organization, Well-Being


Background and Aim of the work. Performance assessment is a key administrative function and an essential component of organizational quality programs, by quantifying it in relation to set goals, standards, expectations and guides to improvement initiatives. The present study aimed to correlate the nursing performance levels perceived by the nurses themselves with the levels of organizational well-being.

 Methods. An on-line questionnaire was administered to Italian nurses in order to assess nursing performance, thanks to the Six-Dimension on Nursing performance questionnaire and also the wll-being of nursing organization was explored thanks to the Questionnaire on nursing organization- brief form questionnaire (QISO brief form).

Results. Significant correlations were assessed between the nursing performance sub dimensions on frequency sub scale and each sub-dimensions of the well-being questionnaire (p<.001). Also in Teaching/Collaboration sub-dimension of the quality nursing performance sub scale, positive correlations were recorded with the QISO brief form.

Conclusions. Findings were in agreement with the little current literature on this topic, as: the nursing sector might implement reforms and instill an organizational culture in which staff feel they own their profession and will be intimately involved in the vision and mission of their organizations. To help achieve this and improve health services, nurses’ organizational engagement enhancement policies should be implemented as an organizational issue requiring the development of strategies for recruiting, attracting and retaining engaged nurses.


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How to Cite

Vitale E, Lupo R, Fortunato S, Gualano A, Giammarinaro MR, Bardone L, et al. Correlations between performance and shift work in the nursing activities: a pilot approach: Performance and shift work in nursing. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];93(3):e2022251. Available from: