Comparison between overlay and underlay primary myringoplasty: retrospective analysis on anatomical and functional results in 497 adult patients
Myringoplasty; Graft; Tympanic membrane perforation; Surgery; Healing; Hearing functionAbstract
Purpose: Retro-auricular approach using an autologous graft is the main surgical method for myringoplasty (MPL). Endaural and transcanal or endoscopic approaches are also used. There is no definitive consensus on the best MPL surgical technique. The aim of this study is to compare the two most used technique, over and underlay MPL, to evaluate the difference in anatomical and functional outcomes. Materials and methods: We made a retrospective analysis of 497 adult patients who underwent underlay or overlay primary MPL, between 2010 and 2018, and evaluated the difference in anatomical and functional outcomes. Results: Successful functional results, evaluated 18 months after surgery, were obtained in 380 patients (76,4%); the underlay MPL obtained a successful result in 85% of patients, while the overlay technique in the 68%. We observed anatomical failure in 13.4% patients, in detail 9,8% of underlay MPL and 17,2% of overlay MPL had an anatomical failure. Conclusion: Our results show less complications related to the underlay technique. We believe that this remains the technique to prefer, except in subtotal or wide anterior perforations that could be better managed using the overlay technique.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Filippo Ricciardiello, Davide Pisani, Gerardo Petruzzi, Pasquale Viola, Remo Palladino, Giulio Sequino, Aldo Falco Raucci, Giovanni Motta, Ciro Coppola, Michele Cavaliere, Alessia Astorina, Claudio Di Nola, Flavia Oliva, Alfonso Scarpa, Giuseppe Chiarella

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