Medicine and humanism in the time of COVID-19. Ethical choices
COVID-19, ethics, bioethicsAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has been the most defining event of our era. The world of healthcare has experienced first-hand the dramatic situation of treating patients in the face of the dangers of contagion and limited resources. Difficult choices have everywhere been made alongside ethical reflection. Now that, at least in our part of the world, viral infection seems to be broadly on the decline, there is an urgent need for fresh, anthropological, ethical reflection. It is important to avoid being unprepared in the event of further occasions, but above all, to now think in global terms. This is because the pandemic has forced us to recognise the urgency of building alliance in healthcare and a balanced relationship with the environment.
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Additional note from previous reference: « Let's consider the chain of connections that links the following phenomena: the increase in deforestation pushes wild animals close to human habitats. Viruses affecting animals, therefore, are transmitted to humans, exacerbating in turn the concreteness of zoonosis, a phenomenon well known by scientists in the spread of diseases. The hyperbolic demand for meat in the countries of the developed world has given rise to huge industrial complexes for the breeding and exploitation of livestock. It is easy to see how these interactions can eventually cause the spread of a virus, through international transports, mass mobility, business travel, tourism, etc.".
D. QUAMMEN, Spillover. L’evoluzione delle pandemie, 2012. Ed. It. Adelphi 2017 (trad. L. CIVALLERI).
PONTIFICIA ACCADEMIA PER LA VITA, L’humana communitas… 1.3.
PONTIFICIA ACCADEMIA PER LA VITA, L’humana communitas… 2.3.
DEUTSCHER ETHIKRAT, Solidarität und Verantwortung

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