


Dear Researchers,

1 – Unexpected news

Starting from January 1st 2024, Acta Biomedica will continue to be indexed on Google Scholar, Scopus, PMC, EMBASE, Elsevier BioBASE, Bibliovigilance, while indexing on PubMed and Medline has been temporarily discontinued. We are hopeful that PubMed and Medline will index Acta Biomedica again in the near future.

We are extremely aware that whatever it takes, we must have the courage to move forward and to continue to work intensively and with a great sense of scientific and editorial responsibility to achieve the objectives of PubMed.

2 - Good news

ActaBiomedica has passed the first evaluation step of Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (new name: CLARIVATE ANALYTICS) for the impact factor (IF) assignment. We hope to receive recognition of the scientific quality of papers published in our journal soon.

We send you all our respectful greetings.

The Editor-in-Chief
Mattioli 1885 Publisher