Some paleopathological cases from a Medieval Necropolis of northern Italy

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Roberta Fusco


Legg Calvè Perthes, Biparietal thinning, paleopathology, osteoma, North Italy, Medieval Age


This article presents some interesting paleopathological cases from the osteological samp of the medieval church of Sant ‘Agostino in Caravate. The church and the adjacent cemetery area were investigated during the excavation campaigns of 1989, 2002-2003, and 2018-2019. The church, dated the XI-XII century, is characterized by a cemetery function of broad chronology. The excavations made it possible to document a total of twenty-eight structures for funerary use, both primary and secondary. This study included the skeletons of 45 individuals, which allowed us to expand our knowledge of the population of northwestern Lombardy.

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