Un ricordo del Prof. Leonardo Caldarola
Abstract 176 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 104Page 189-190
When is it legitimate for a researcher to go beyond means of scientific communication?
Abstract 114 | PDF Downloads 38Page 191-198
Articles on original studies and research
The toxicity of carbon dioxide inhalation
Abstract 93 | PDF Downloads 62Page 199-208
Retrospective analysis of malignant salivary gland tumors in Hungarian population between 1987-2006
Abstract 123 | PDF Downloads 47Page 209-216
Angiosarcoma of the breast: a case report
Abstract 92 | PDF Downloads 39Page 217-221
The power of the industrial product lobby: controversy, doubt, contradiction, lies and deceit and attacks on the Ramazzini Institute
Abstract 356 | PDF Downloads 44Page 223-229