About the Journal


The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health is the official journal of the Collegium Ramazzini. The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health publishes high quality manuscripts on all aspects of oncology, environmental health, public health, occupational and global health.

The journal is aimed at scientists and practitioners in all areas of oncology, environmental and occupational sciences. The journal is a public health journal serving the public health community and scientists working on matters of public health interest and importance.



The European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health publishes:

  • Original articles
  • Reviews
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Commentaries
  • Case reports

Suggested lengths of manuscripts are the following: original articles 5000 characters, reviews 7000 characters, systematic reviews 7000 characters, commentaries 3000 characters, case reports 2000 characters.

Papers must be submitted in English

Papers are accepted on the understanding that they may be subjected to editorial revision and peer-review

The journal is paper-free and articles are published online



All the articles of the European Journal of Oncology and Environmental Health are published with open access under the CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license (the current version is CC-BY, version 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This means that the author(s) retain copyright, but the content is free to download, distribute and adapt for commercial or non-commercial purposes, given appropriate attribution to the original article.

The articles in the previous edition of the Journal (European Journal of Oncology) are made available online with open access under the CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license (the current version is CC-BY, version 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Upon submission, author(s) grant the Journal the license to publish their original unpublished work within one year, and the non exclusive right to display, store, copy and reuse the content. The CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license enables anyone to use the publication freely, given appropriate attribution to the author(s) and citing the Journal as the original publisher. The CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license does not apply to third-party materials that display a copyright notice to prohibit copying. Unless the third-party content is also subject to a CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license, or an equally permissive license, the author(s) must comply with any third-party copyright notices.



Scopus, EMBASE, Elsevier Biobase, Google Scholar. H-INDEX: European Journal of Oncology (1990-2019): 86.  



The Journal is free of charge for articles submitted by June 2025.

After that date the publication fee will be: 1000 Euro. All submitted articles will have to pay a fee of 1000 euro. Please, for waivers or discounts send an email to: [email protected] . This fee has to pay as soon as your manuscript is editorially accepted and before publication and it is charged to you or to your institution (or funder). The corresponding authors are responsible for making the payment or arranging it through their institutions. After that payment we proceed with the publication.



The Journal is compliant with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journals  Editors (ICMJE revised ed. 2019), and the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE: publicationsethics.org).



Submitted papers will be checked with antiplagiarism software.