Published: 2014-09-19


Articles on original studies and research

Cancer in Iraq: 2000-2004

Amir Al Khuzaie, Aamir Jalal Al Mosawi, Ohan Faraj Yonan, Heyem Muzahim Fadhil, Sanaa Sami
Abstract 67 | PDF Downloads 34

Page 145-148

Prognostic relevance of pathological features in resected gastric cancer

Virginio Filippazzi, Alessandra Cocchi, Cinzia Fasola, Anna Gambaro, Nicoletta Tosca, Sabrina Ferrario, Beatrice De Troia, Elena Farè, Luisa Somma, Eugenia Damiani, Paolo Fociani, Luisa Isabella, M. Teresa Cattaneo, Fabio Corsi, Diego Foschi, Elena Piazza
Abstract 131 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 151

Page 157-162

Case reports

Acanthosis nigricans and gastric carcinoma: case report and review of the literature

Achille Panetta, Salvatore Virzì, Vida Pajetta, Vincenzo Arigliano, Annalisa Avveniente, Roberto Maccaferri, Silvia Gambini, Serena Bonomi, Antonio Grassi, Danila Valenti
Abstract 257 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 41

Page 163-166

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the testis and malignant mesothelioma of the pleura in the same patient

Claudio Bianchi, Tommaso Bianchi, Sergio Bucconi
Abstract 236 | PDF Downloads 45

Page 167-171


Dr. Jenny Pronczuk de Garbino 1947-2010

Lilian Corra, Judy Stober
Abstract 49 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 46

Page 173-174