Acanthosis nigricans and gastric carcinoma: case report and review of the literature

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Achille Panetta
Salvatore Virzì
Vida Pajetta
Vincenzo Arigliano
Annalisa Avveniente
Roberto Maccaferri
Silvia Gambini
Serena Bonomi
Antonio Grassi
Danila Valenti


Paraneoplastic syndromes, acanthosis nigricans, gastric carcinoma


Paraneoplastic syndromes are uncommon diseases with different pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, correlated with neoplasms but not due to the tumor, or metastasis. Paraneoplastic syndromes are important because their identification permits an early diagnosis of tumors and rapid treatment, with a largely improved prognosis and life expectancy for the patient. They often represent the only signal of a silent neoplasm. We present a case of adenocarcinoma of the stomach in a 64-year-old man associated with the typical skin manifestations of acanthosis nigricans. Skin lesions in the case of well 8 months preceding the diagnosis of cancer. A review of the literature is also presented.
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