FDG PET/CT in bone sarcoidosis
FDG PET/CT, Chronic sarcoidosis, Osseous sarcoidosisAbstract
Background. Bone sarcoidosis is rare manifestation of disease usually accompanied with pulmonary involvement. Until today, exact prevalence of bone sarcoidosis is not known, since reported prevalence varies widely depending on the studied population and the used diagnostic techniques.
Objective. To determine the prevalence of bone involvement and distribution pattern in active chronic sarcoidosis by using FDG PET/CT.
Methods. Between January 2010 and December 2011, 98 patients with chronic sarcoidosis and presence of prolonged symptoms or other findings suggestive of active disease were referred to FDG PET/CT examination. Active disease was found in 82 patients, and they all were screened for presence of bone sarcoidosis on FDG PET/CT. All patients also underwent MDCT and assessment of serum ACE level.
Results. Bone sarcoidosis was present in 18/82 patients with active sarcoidosis. FDG uptake in bones was focal in 8 (44.4%), diffuse in 6 (33.3%) and both diffuse and focal in 4 (22.2%) patients. CT indicated bone abnormalities only in 5% patients. Osseous involvement was present in: pelvis (61.1%), vertebrae (44.4%), ribs (27.8%) and bone marrow (16.7%). Some patients had two or more locations of disease. Follow-up FDG PET/CT showed normal findings in two patients, same localization of active disease in four patients and progression of disease in one.
Conclusion. In patients with active chronic sarcoidosis 22% of patients had osseous abnormalities on FDG PET/CT that mostly were not detected on CT.
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