Mandibular and periodontal involvement in sarcoidosis
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mandibular, sarcoidosis, dental
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2. Dastoori M, Fedele S, Leao JC, Porter SR. Sarcoidosis - a clinically orientated review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2013 Apr;42(4):281–9.
3. Blinder D, Yahatom R, Taicher S. Oral manifestations of sarcoidosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1997 Apr;83(4):458–61.
4. Kasamatsu A, Kanazawa H, Watanabe T, Matsuzaki O. Oral sarcoidosis: report of a case and review of literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Jun;65(6):1256–9.
5. Bouaziz A, Le Scanff J, Chapelon-Abric C, et al. Oral involvement in sarcoidosis: report of 12 cases. QJM. 2012 Aug;105(8):755–67.
6. Poate TWJ, Sharma R, Moutasim KA, Escudier MP, Warnakulasuriya S. Orofacial presentations of sarcoidosis – a case series and review of the literature. Br Dent J. 2008 Oct;205(8):437–42.
7. Koutrakis NE, Sahu A, Vasilyeva D, Peters SM. Orofacial sarcoidosis: report of three cases. J Oral Med Oral Surg. 2022;28(3):29.
8. Suresh L, Radfar L. Oral sarcoidosis: a review of literature. Oral Dis. 2005 May;11(3):138–45.
2. Dastoori M, Fedele S, Leao JC, Porter SR. Sarcoidosis - a clinically orientated review. J Oral Pathol Med. 2013 Apr;42(4):281–9.
3. Blinder D, Yahatom R, Taicher S. Oral manifestations of sarcoidosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1997 Apr;83(4):458–61.
4. Kasamatsu A, Kanazawa H, Watanabe T, Matsuzaki O. Oral sarcoidosis: report of a case and review of literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Jun;65(6):1256–9.
5. Bouaziz A, Le Scanff J, Chapelon-Abric C, et al. Oral involvement in sarcoidosis: report of 12 cases. QJM. 2012 Aug;105(8):755–67.
6. Poate TWJ, Sharma R, Moutasim KA, Escudier MP, Warnakulasuriya S. Orofacial presentations of sarcoidosis – a case series and review of the literature. Br Dent J. 2008 Oct;205(8):437–42.
7. Koutrakis NE, Sahu A, Vasilyeva D, Peters SM. Orofacial sarcoidosis: report of three cases. J Oral Med Oral Surg. 2022;28(3):29.
8. Suresh L, Radfar L. Oral sarcoidosis: a review of literature. Oral Dis. 2005 May;11(3):138–45.