Radiological predictive remission factors of pulmonary involvement in systemic sarcoidosis: a computed tomography scan study Remission factors of pulmonary sarcoidosis

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Melek Kechida
Mabrouk Abdelali
Rym Mesfar
Imene Chaabene
Rim Klii
Sonia Hammami
Syrine Daadaa
Mezri Maatouk
Jamel Saad
Ahmed Zrig
Ines Khochtali


Pulmonary manifestations, Computed tomography scan, Sarcoidosis


Introduction: As little is known about the prognostic value of CT scan findings at onset in patients presenting with sarcoidosis, we aimed to identify factors independently associated with radiological remission of pulmonary involvement in systemic sarcoidosis on CT scan findings.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective descriptive and analytic study of patients with a biopsy proven systemic sarcoidosis. We compared patients on radiological remission (group 1) to those on stabilization or progression (group 2). Multivariate analysis of variables significantly associated with radiological remission in univariate analysis was performed using binary logistic regression.

Results: Out of 65 records of systemic sarcoidosis, 43 were analyzed. 18.6% where male and 81.6% female with a sex-ratio of 0.22 and a mean age at diagnosis of 47.2 ±13.6 years. We found atypical lesions in CT scan findings in 16 patients (37.2%). Comparative pulmonary CT scan findings at admission and at 12 months follow-up revealed 13 patients (30.2%) in remission (group1) and 30 patients in radiological stabilization or progression (group 2). On multivariate analysis, lymphopenia, calcifications, and typical CT scan findings at presentation were predictive factors of remission of pulmonary involvement in systemic sarcoidosis (aOR=27.57; 95%IC=2.67-284.63; p=0.005) (aOR= 37.2; 95%IC= 2.08-663.89; p= 0.014) (aOR=47.1; 95%IC= 1.79-1238.7; p=0.021) respectively.

Conclusion: In patients with systemic sarcoidosis with no lymphopenia at onset or calcifications or typical CT scan findings at presentation, we suggest a close follow-up as well as an intensive treatment

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