The Quantitative CT assessment in predicting mortality in patients with Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Quantitative CT in combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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Gülistan Karadeniz
Gülru Polat
Enver Yalnız
Aysu Ayrancı
Akin Çinkooğlu
Recep Savaş
Hatice Solmaz
Filiz Güldaval
Melih Büyükşirin


Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema . idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis . emphysema . quantitative computerized tomography . pulmonary function test


Aim: We aimed to evaluate the quantitative CT analysis of patients with CPFE in comparison with IPF and emphysema. Methods: Patients with CPFE(n:36), IPF(n:38) and emphysema(n:32) were retrospectively included in the study with the approval of the ethics committee. Results: There was a positive correlation between total lung volume and FVC%, TLCO% and 6 MWT, and negative correlation between mMRC and mortality. Negative correlation was found between right, left lung density and FVC%, TLCO% and 6 MWT, and positive correlation between mortality. Also, total lung volume, right and left lung densities were significant in predicting mortality and cut-off values ​​are ≤3831,> -778 and> -775, respectively(p = 0.040, 0.020, 0.013). Conclusion: Quantitative CT are guiding in predicting mortality of the disease.

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