Early hospital readmission increases short and long – term mortality in patients with interstitial lung disease

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Diego Castillo
Silvia Barril
Ana Rodrigo-Troyano
Paloma Millan-Billi
Guillermo Suarez-Cuartin
Ana Alonso
Tomas Franquet
Laura Lopez-Vilaro
Ivan Castellvi
Vicente Plaza
Oriol Sibila


Interstitial lung disease, Hospitalization, Mortality, Readmission


Objective: To investigate the prognostic impact of early readmission (30 days) in hospitalized patients with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).

Methods: Observational study analysing a cohort of patients hospitalized in a respiratory ward at a Universitary Hospital. Demographic, clinical data and survival status were collected from patients records. Early readmission was defined as hospitalization within 30 days after patients discharge. The primary outcome was 90-day and 1-year all-cause mortality.

Results: Between 2013 to 2016, a total of 2.238 patients were admitted in the respiratory ward and 98 (4,4%) had a diagnosis of ILD. Among them, 74 patients were discharged (25% in-hospital mortality). Early readmission was observed in 15 cases (20.2%). Early readmitted patients were more frequently current smokers (20% vs. 2%, p=0.02). After a multivariate analysis, early readmission was found to be independently associated with 90-day and 1 year mortality (Odds Ratio (OR) 17.6, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 4.5-69-2, p=0.001 and OR 4.5; 95CI 1.3-15.2, p=0.01, respectively).

Conclusion: In patients with ILD, early readmission after hospitalization increases both short-term and long term mortality. Thus, preventing early readmission after discharge from hospital admission may have an impact in the clinical course of ILD patients. Further studies are required to identify factors contributing to early readmission.

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