Le determinanti della soddisfazione lavorativa del personale infermieristico: il ruolo del conflitto lavoro-famiglia / Determining factors of job-satisfaction: presence of work-family conflict in a sample of Italian nurses
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Work-family conflict, job satisfaction, nurses
Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia (w.f.c.) è un tema di crescente interesse per gli studi organizzativi. Lo studio NEXT ha evidenziato che il w.f.c. influenza in misura rilevante la soddisfazione lavorativa e la scelta di abbandonare la professione infermieristica. Lo studio sul campo si propone di rilevare il w.f.c. in un campione di infermieri professionali per osservare le principali differenze in relazione alle variabili anagrafiche e per comprendere in che misura esso contribuisce a spiegare la soddisfazione lavorativa. Un questionario self-report è stato somministrato a un campione di 325 infermieri professionali che operano in due ospedali del Nord Italia. I dati sono stati sottoposti ad analisi descrittive, di affidabilità e della varianza. Le relazioni tra le variabili sono state analizzate con la correlazione (r di Pearson) e il ruolo del w.f.c. nello spiegare la soddisfazione lavorativa è stato stimato con la regressione multipla. Il w.f.c. appare più critico per i soggetti che hanno compiti di cura e per chi ha ruoli lavorativi di maggiore responsabilità, e contribuisce a spiegare la soddisfazione lavorativa anche se non rappresenta la determinante principale. Questa area di ricerca appare rilevante in quanto consente di approfondire la comprensione delle dinamiche sottese alla soddisfazione lavorativa e può fornire indicazioni circa possibili iniziative di sostegno e sviluppo. Ricerche future potranno meglio precisare, attraverso un modello di equazioni strutturali, le relazioni tra le variabili in gioco.
Determining factors of job-satisfaction: presence of work-family conflict in a sample of Italian nurses
Background: Organization research has shown increasing interest in the dynamics of work-family conflict (w.f.c.). The NEXT study highlights that w.f.c. significantly influences satisfaction for one’s job and the decision to quit the nursing profession. Objectives: This study analyzes w.f.c. in a sample of Italian nurses, with the aim of examining the main differences in relation to personal variables, and understanding the degree to which w.f.c. explains job satisfaction. Methods: A self-reporting questionnaire was administered to 325 nurses in different hospitals of Northern Italy. Descriptive, reliability and Anova data analysis was performed. The relationships between variables were analyzed through correlations (Pearson’s r); the role of w.f.c. in explaining job satisfaction was estimated via multiple regression. Results: W.f.c. appeared to be more critical in subjects who had care responsibilities and in those who had more demanding work assignments. W.f.c. contributed to explaining job satisfaction, even if it was not its principal determining factor. Conclusions: This area of research appears to be important in that it leads to a better comprehension of the dynamics involved in work satisfaction and can suggest possible initiatives for support and development.
Determining factors of job-satisfaction: presence of work-family conflict in a sample of Italian nurses
Background: Organization research has shown increasing interest in the dynamics of work-family conflict (w.f.c.). The NEXT study highlights that w.f.c. significantly influences satisfaction for one’s job and the decision to quit the nursing profession. Objectives: This study analyzes w.f.c. in a sample of Italian nurses, with the aim of examining the main differences in relation to personal variables, and understanding the degree to which w.f.c. explains job satisfaction. Methods: A self-reporting questionnaire was administered to 325 nurses in different hospitals of Northern Italy. Descriptive, reliability and Anova data analysis was performed. The relationships between variables were analyzed through correlations (Pearson’s r); the role of w.f.c. in explaining job satisfaction was estimated via multiple regression. Results: W.f.c. appeared to be more critical in subjects who had care responsibilities and in those who had more demanding work assignments. W.f.c. contributed to explaining job satisfaction, even if it was not its principal determining factor. Conclusions: This area of research appears to be important in that it leads to a better comprehension of the dynamics involved in work satisfaction and can suggest possible initiatives for support and development.