Valutazione ergonomica dell’innovazione tecnologica nel lavoro dei manovali di cava di porfido / Ergonomic assessment of technical improvements in the work of manual labourers of a porphyry quarry
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Working postures, OWAS method, porphyry quarries
Precedenti indagini indicavano nel lavoro dei manovali di cava di porfido un’eccessiva presenza di danni alla colonna riferibili a posture incongrue e a movimentazione di carichi. Nel processo di lavoro sono stati recentemente introdotti diversi tipi di bancone con nastro trasportatore allo scopo di migliorare le posture di lavoro. Le posture dei manovali al lavoro su due tipi di bancone con diverse soluzioni tecnologiche sono state studiate con il Metodo OWAS e confrontate con quelle della lavorazione tradizionale (totalmente manuale). Il lavoro al bancone consente di lavorare in piedi con la colonna in asse e con appoggio stabile e costante sugli arti inferiori. La valutazione con il metodo OWAS vede migrare la gran parte delle posture dalle categorie a più alto rischio (prevalenti nella lavorazione tradizionale) a categorie in cui non sono richiesti interventi ergonomici di correzione urgenti. Le innovazioni tecnologiche (pedana sollevabile, argani con ventose) permettono di progettare la postazione di lavoro in relazione al tipo di materiale proveniente dal fronte di cava e alle sue caratteristiche di dimensione e peso.
Ergonomic assessment of technical improvements in the work of manual labourers of a porphyry quarry
Background: Previous investigations have shown an excess of musculoskeletal disorders in quarry workers referable to awkward postures and lifting of heavy weights. Recently several sorts of workbenches equipped with conveyor belts were introduced in order to improve job postures and, therefore, safety. Methods: Using the OWAS method we investigated the postures of quarry workers using two technologically different workbenches which were compared with the traditional working method (completely manual). Results: Use of workbenches allows quarry workers to work standing with the back on a vertical axis and legs in firm and stable position. Conclusions: According to the OWAS method most postures adopted in traditional working methods involve a high risk, whereas with the use of workbenches most of these high risk postures are reclassified and no longer require urgent ergonomic redesign. Technical innovations (such as lifting platforms and air suction pad winches) allow workplaces to be planned depending on the size and weight of the stone materials obtained from the quarry face.
Ergonomic assessment of technical improvements in the work of manual labourers of a porphyry quarry
Background: Previous investigations have shown an excess of musculoskeletal disorders in quarry workers referable to awkward postures and lifting of heavy weights. Recently several sorts of workbenches equipped with conveyor belts were introduced in order to improve job postures and, therefore, safety. Methods: Using the OWAS method we investigated the postures of quarry workers using two technologically different workbenches which were compared with the traditional working method (completely manual). Results: Use of workbenches allows quarry workers to work standing with the back on a vertical axis and legs in firm and stable position. Conclusions: According to the OWAS method most postures adopted in traditional working methods involve a high risk, whereas with the use of workbenches most of these high risk postures are reclassified and no longer require urgent ergonomic redesign. Technical innovations (such as lifting platforms and air suction pad winches) allow workplaces to be planned depending on the size and weight of the stone materials obtained from the quarry face.